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Aussie Rules is to blame IMO

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posted on 21/7/13

That might well do the trick

posted on 21/7/13

Aussies rule fook all

posted on 22/7/13

Think the Australian cricket problem is the lack of core group of good players.. The standard of state cricket as gone to the dogs. Until they improve grass roots ,Australia wont produce test standard players.

posted on 22/7/13

lets be straight here, its not only Australia that are suffering these types of results. India, SL, NZ, Pakistan, WI. That is 80% of the teams that are not able to preform away from home. And some are not even not able to produce results at home.

The problem with tests now is that we are almost guaranteed that a particular team will lose all the matches and etc. There is no competitive element left anymore. t20 is perhaps the only thing responsible.

Yesterday after Aus lost at lords, CA announced that Big Bash strategy is doing well. And similarly BCCI had announced the IPL schedule after Ind lost 4-0 to Aus last year.

We have a great pool of fast bowlers coming across from all teams, but the batsmen have all struggled in the recent past.

posted on 22/7/13

virudagreat. The problem is poor wickets produce poor batsmen. This is imo a result of too many Aussie rules games being played on test/state Cricket ovals.

posted on 22/7/13

Perhaps we should go back to uncovered pitches - Bradman, Boycott and Co did alright down the years.

It's all about technique and application.

20/20 baseball changes the above two, even if subtly.

posted on 22/7/13

Well, it is about technique, application, and taking a break when you know there are bowlers you cannot deal with.

Boycott was a wise man.

posted on 23/7/13

The problem is poor wickets produce poor batsmen.


I would say it is the opposite. If you can bat on a poor wicket, you can bat on anything.

posted on 24/7/13

Interesting thought, indeed. ICC should instruct all boards to create poor pitches in an effort to improve batting standards.

posted on 24/7/13

Poor wickets produce poor batmen and help average bowlers look good.

posted on 24/7/13

Poor wickets produce poor batmen and help average bowlers look good.


Good wickets produce poor batsmen and make good bowlers look bad.

Easy this.

Guess we need to find a level in between.

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