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Time for some trivia...

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comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

The answer is Bangladesh

posted on 19/9/13

Oops...right you are

posted on 19/9/13

The answer is Bangladesh


I think he meant – ‘which of the following teams has the record………………………’. Obviously, we know Shankar’s English is aligned to his intelligence and therefore the poor guy tumbles time and time again. Most often than not, the joke is thrown back in his face due to his pitiable articulation. I do feel sorry for shankar

posted on 19/9/13

Ha! I know for a fact my intelligence outclasses yours you muppet

posted on 19/9/13

Don't worry Afridi, the wound is probably still sore. It'll take time to heal. It was after all, a very humiliating loss.

posted on 19/9/13

Article changed.

Enough said.

posted on 19/9/13

Because I admitted I made a mistake you silly little pleb

posted on 19/9/13

Shankar admits to making a “mistake”. Deserves an article in itself that .

Well done mate

posted on 19/9/13

We're not all muppets like you..harping on about India being the team with the record for most losses...going on about how India played the reserve pakystan team when all their first line team was playing


comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

In a way, he was right, except he had to add 'Former east' before Pakistan.
Altogether Pakistan has lost 8 test matches against zimbabwe(combining 2 pakistan).
But still, this logic doesnt sound too rational. A food for thought though.

posted on 19/9/13

No no Diplo, you’re not a muppet at all. You’ve just created an article on a website used by over 30,000 people asking a question to which you didn’t know the answer... On top of that, you gave a clue with the beginning letter and 7 ‘end’ letters – all completely incorrect.

You’re not a muppet at all. I suppose by your standards that’s just normal

comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

A real trivial question...
Name the First class cricketer was the creator of the greates detective of all time.
(this requires some intellect)

comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

I rephrase the question.
First class cricketer and author who created the greatest Detective in history of literature.

posted on 19/9/13

Sir Arthur Conan Doyal

posted on 19/9/13


posted on 19/9/13

He also played in goal for Portsmouth

posted on 19/9/13

Good use of google search Sprinkler

posted on 19/9/13

...in One Day matches, barring Bangladesh, which team holds the record for the most losses against Zimbabwe?


5* for Pakistan
4* for New Zealand
3* for India
2* for Australia
1* for England

posted on 19/9/13

...in One Day matches, barring Bangladesh and Zimbabwe, which team holds the record for the most losses against Kenya?


5* for Pakistan
4* for New Zealand
3* for India
2* for Australia
1* for England

comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

Right answer ,n using sherlockian deduction, i think you googled.
@kash, India?

posted on 19/9/13

Kharse - spot on

We used to have a cricket quiz a while back on JA606 but people got annoyed that I kept getting it all right

posted on 19/9/13


posted on 19/9/13

Kenya -

Now that is taking the biscuit out of the biscuit.....

comment by Kharse (U18276)

posted on 19/9/13

Okay another..
Which stadium/ground holds a prestigious status of holding 'the first ever international match of football' aswell as 'FA cup final, the oldest football comp'?
C'mon c'mon.

posted on 19/9/13

ps - A14, I think Shankar joins your long list of male admirers. The guy is obsessed with you

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