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Breaking Bad (Possible Spoilers)

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posted on 5/10/13

Breaking bad???? I'm still pre recession mode, where's LOST and PRISON BREAK??? Where's 24????

posted on 5/10/13

Glad Jesse ending happened the way I wanted. Walt died last season IMO, Heisenberg however lives on.

posted on 5/10/13

Spoiler alert

Walt sells meth

posted on 5/10/13

It was perfect. At one stage I was very worried it wouldn't end up the way I wanted but now I question why I ever doubted Heisenberg.

posted on 5/10/13

It was a good ending, I wasn't overwhelmed with it but still it wasn't disappointing.
All my predictions for who lives/dies were right so I wasn't shocked at anything, which however was disappointing.

Best TV show I've ever watched

posted on 5/10/13

absolutely fantastic show, tied with the Sopranos for best show ever imo (would have had Dexter there too but that went way off the boil aftre season 4 )

posted on 6/10/13

Been a breaking bad fan since when it 1st aired in 2009. My favourite show of all time along with the Sopranos. Dexter despite its weak last season still remains my 3rd favourite.

posted on 6/10/13

Been a breaking bad fan since when it 1st aired in 2009. My favourite show of all time along with the Sopranos. Dexter despite its weak last season still remains my 3rd favourite.
It aired in 2008.

posted on 6/10/13

Best show of all time.

posted on 6/10/13

Best show of all time.

posted on 6/10/13

Be prepared to have your mind blown... Walter died at the start of the episode in the car. Read @normmacdonald 's TL from 30th September at 12pm

posted on 6/10/13

"it aired in 2008"

Not in the UK it didn't which is where i 1st watched it. So like I say, I have been a huge fan of Breaking bad since it aired in 2009.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 6/10/13


Mind blown.

posted on 6/10/13

Seems a bit of a stretch. Why make it end with Walt's fantasy when most viewers wouldn't even realise it. Also, they showed him in the diner at the start of season 5. Why show that earlier if it wasn't real?

posted on 7/10/13

I've read that theory and, it's pretty ludicrous and circumstantial. Not only does that make the whole series end on a far less satisfying note but,


If it was Walt hallucinating, how could he have known about Jesse being kept as a Meth Slave? as far as he knew, Jesse was either dead or working in tandem with the aryian brotherhood.

I think a theme of the show is just how lucky Walt gets. Jesse himself says it to Hank 'He's smarter than you, he is luckier than you..'

posted on 9/10/13

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 3 days, 10 hours ago
"it aired in 2008"

Not in the UK it didn't which is where i 1st watched it. So like I say, I have been a huge fan of Breaking bad since it aired in 2009.
Breaking Bad has never aired in the UK.

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