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posted on 13/2/14

Victor Anichebe has scored more goals against 'big' teams than Olivier Giroud.

posted on 13/2/14

"And you think Nicholas Bendtner will be better?"
What a stupid comment. If Giroud can start so many matches despite being so awful, why not start Bendtner for a change?

posted on 13/2/14

Can see giroud doing well for a 2nd rate team abroad, maybe firorentina or villareal

Just isn't what we need, gone from Henry, Adebayor, RVP to giroud

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 13/2/14

It's actually depressing how Adebayor in the little time he's been back is only 2 league goals behind Giroud having played 15 games less and has already won more points with his goals than our first choice striker.

I know he's French, Wenger, but surely you can see he isn't cutting it?

posted on 13/2/14

If you still had RVP you'd have wrapped up the title already

posted on 13/2/14

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posted on 13/2/14

Fack me, Utd supporters wanting rid of Van Persie!

posted on 13/2/14

Bendtner can't hit a barn door with a banjo for chri$t sake. Anyone remember that miss against Barca?

posted on 13/2/14


How about the winner against Cardiff?

Bendtner gets the nod over Giroud at the moment for me because Giroud's form has dropped significantly and we can't carry him if he isn't at 100%.

Had Wenger bought in a suitable striker in January this wouldn't even be questioned. Giroud needs to be benched for a couple of games.

posted on 13/2/14

comment by JustAnotherGunner. Arteta's tiny legs. gOdZILla (U5867)
posted 7 hours, 42 minutes ago
Bendtner can't hit a barn door with a banjo for chri$t sake. Anyone remember that miss against Barca?
I find it rich for any staunch defender of Giroud to bring up misses any striker has made in the past. I can honestly not remember ANY Arsenal striker, not just first choice striker, ANY, who has missed so many easy chances for us in their entire Arsenal careers. It is just astounding.

posted on 16/3/15


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