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These 7 comments are related to an article called:

Adolf Hitler knows best

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posted on 26/3/14

That's good

posted on 26/3/14

posted on 26/3/14

Oh dear! I know I shouldn't

posted on 26/3/14

Usually bored with the Hitler video thing, but it did make me laugh!

posted on 26/3/14

Re-Billy Davies, I was talking to an ex Press officer who used to work for Derby County. He told me all sorts of stories about Billy and how paranoid he was. Here's one, he came into work one day, went to his office and started looking for bugs, he was looking under his desk, chair etc. the press officer asked what he was doing and Billy shouted at him to get out. So he was paranoid even at Derby. So no wonder he got sacked by the RedDogs as well. This is not just to kick a man when he's down. It's a fact.

posted on 26/3/14

That's hilarious Wassa!!

You are the you tube king.

posted on 26/3/14

I've just woken my kids up laughing....
Cheers buddy!

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