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These 45 comments are related to an article called:

Bid accepted

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posted on 14/8/14

Good news!!

Ajose - 17 last season
Agard - 26

Plenty of goals in us this season

posted on 14/8/14


posted on 14/8/14

Smith on his way to Millwall?

posted on 14/8/14

Rumours are he isn't keen. Don't see that being true surely.

posted on 14/8/14

Terrific news.

posted on 14/8/14

Can't see Smith staying as I can't see him getting much game time

posted on 14/8/14

Would like Smith to stay, against certain defences he can do a good job.

posted on 14/8/14

Get him in and get Hunt & Morison out

posted on 14/8/14

still cant see play offs for you unfortunately

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/8/14

peni, I doubt any Leeds fan has set their sights that high. We're in rebuild and consolidate mode. Fast tracking it, mind. I for one see our club challenging next season.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/8/14

Hope Hunt, Morison, and Norris move on.
It's probably in our and their best interest.

posted on 14/8/14

your team looked like a relegation fodder vs millwall, only 1 game though

staying up is vital though

posted on 14/8/14

Peni, we have signed 4 players and had 2 missing through suspension and injury.

Accordingly, that game is not even remotely relevant to Leeds United's prospects for the remainder of the season.

posted on 14/8/14

It isnt, but hockoday as a manager would not fill me with confidence. You should have gone for someone like nigel clough

posted on 14/8/14

Hockaday isn't the manager.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/8/14

Yep, as Stefano said, Hock is a coach. Period.

posted on 14/8/14

Nigel Clough......................??

posted on 14/8/14

Nige is good for stability, which is what you want

the players who have done well for us bryson, martin, ward, were all signed by him

But he is stubborn and weak tactically, also dilly dallies around in market too much to bring success

posted on 14/8/14

You need mark robins...top bloke..get you going in the right direction in no time

posted on 14/8/14

How can he be good for stability if he dilly dallies around in the market...?

Or do you mean you kept him too long.

I accept we want stability and we might actually be in for as period of such stability. Mr Hockaday might actually be here for a while..! He appears to be reasonably stubborn and some say he is weak (or at the least naive) so he's already got to of the qualities you look for..!

I personally think he's going t surprise some.

posted on 14/8/14

I agree with Peni. The Hock certainly doesn't inspire me with any confidence that he can galvanize what now appears to be a formidable squad of players into an effective Championship force. I know there are those that say 'give him a chance', but personally I feel he just doesn't have it at this level. I hope I'm wrong, but I think time will only serve to expose his weaknesses in the same way it did at Forest Green.

posted on 14/8/14

That's what opinions are for Peak

posted on 14/8/14

Agreed, Eric. I would love to be proved wrong and hope I am.

posted on 14/8/14

comment by batty (U4664)
posted 56 minutes ago
Hope Hunt, Morison, and Norris move on.
It's probably in our and their best interest.

posted on 14/8/14

Do you think we need any more players Peak...?

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