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Charlie Nicholas facing race storm

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posted on 12/1/15

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 9 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 2 minutes ago
How long before The Society of Black Lawyers have their say?
& if that aint a rascist outfit..well...


posted on 12/1/15

Only Society of White Lawyers is racist,apparently.

posted on 13/1/15

comment by xiuxiuejar (U6109)
posted 1 day, 14 hours ago
I don't know who he is but I was watching Chelsea on Tv a few weeks back and confused Cahill, Terry and Azpilicueta a number of times from my TV angle. Am I a racist too?
Blatently White-ist....you should be ashamed

posted on 13/1/15

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 13 hours, 49 minutes ago
Only Society of White Lawyers is racist,apparently.

do you understand racism......or

posted on 13/1/15

comment by Npe - Insert poor pun : Messi Christmas and a ... (U1328)
posted 1 day, 10 hours ago
comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 9 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 2 minutes ago
How long before The Society of Black Lawyers have their say?
& if that aint a rascist outfit..well...

settle NPE...it was tongue in cheek...although you have to wonder whether it's actually a required society.....do they see themselves as different..?

posted on 13/1/15


Yea racism is what white folk are accused of,for anything,whereas,if white people suffer,it is not racist.

Racism is colour blind,then.

Go on,tell me only whitey is racist,and only islam cannot be discussed rationally.

White kids accused of racism for silly remarks at school,whereas racist perv's from Pakistan rape white girls,and racism is played down,or ignored.

However,the liberal letist approach is finally being challenged,and times are a changing.

posted on 13/1/15

It isnt really the liberal leftist approach. Liberals tend to advocate a form of colour blindness that suggests societies such as that of the Black Lawyers shouldn''t exist...

I don't particularly like them, or its attention loving leader, but it exists because of its necessity when black people are so badly under-represented and treated.

There is racism towards white people very occasionally. However, in reality it makes up an infinitesimal minority....

I don't think racism towards black people is simply a selection of silly remarks from schoolchildren, although playing down racist remarks as merely silly is rather pathetic...

Considering how right wing our politics are, and how left wing most people are on issues most the time, I don't perceive that as the case.

posted on 13/1/15


I refer to innocent remarks from kids that were deemed racist by thought police.In no way am I trying to underplay racist language,and my choice of words were perhaps lazy............I was talking about toddlers being labelled.

Most people left wing,is open to debate,as we have tories in power,and 5 million ukip voters?

Are black people really badly treated in the modern UK?

I actually believe that Asian and black attacks and racism towards others is played down,in the UK and USA.Not good for the image and police fear being labelled with racism.

posted on 13/1/15

The Tories arent right wing in all honesty.

They are a continuation of new labour.

They are obsessed with curbing civil liberites and maintaining wealth inequality and an unfair economic free market.....but they arent really 'conservative'.

As for UKIP, the fact they are taking people off many different parties indicates its more complex than that...

As for the treatment of black people in this country, is it for us to say....

and in America racism definitely exists. Their whole justice system is entrenched in prejudice against black people. Hence the unrest there is today.

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