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well done villa

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posted on 15/3/15

Nice sentiment

posted on 15/3/15

I have to say they are playing better football under sherwood thus i no longer want them to be relegated like I did when Lambert was in charge

posted on 15/3/15

Yeah great to see Villa doing well.

Can't understand the Spurs supporters sometimes, seem to have issues with some of their ex managers...

posted on 15/3/15

Hear, hear. It wouldn't feel right to see them relegated. Big club with lots of history, and I imagine a lot to offer now that Sherwood is at the helm. Good luck.

posted on 15/3/15

Didn;t Sherwood win at Manyoo

This game has makings of a whoopin

posted on 15/3/15

Thanks. nice to be complimented instead of ridiculed for a change. I've said it before that I don't understand some Spurs fans animosity towards Sherwood. Thought you'd put up a better show against Man Yoo.

posted on 16/3/15


Totally agree.

The certain Spurs fans who were mocking Tim have become ever so quiet recently.

I know it was only against Sunderland but to get the team scoring more away goals in 1 half than they had scored previously all season deserves big credit.

I admit, i'm not too keen on Aston Villa but i think Sherwood is going to become some manager - and i wish you luck under his reign....

posted on 16/3/15

Thanks Chicken you and a couple of others only.

If he fails it wont be thru lack of passion or commitment.

I like the bloke and I hope at least this season under difficult circumstances he keeps us up, gets us playing watchable football and we win the FA Cup

I don't dislike Tottenham really and I would rather someone be it you Soton, etc end the boring monopoly of British Teams in Europe with very limited success.


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/3/15

Dim is doing well

i was waiting for villa to finally drop FFS

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/3/15

comment by SAF_The_Legend-FreePalestine(7) (U5768)
posted 3 days, 6 hours ago
Yeah great to see Villa doing well.

Can't understand the Spurs supporters sometimes, seem to have issues with some of their ex managers...
no its not. they have been lurking around the top league doing faaack all for far too long now.

drop em a division as punishment.

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