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Maglev v stupid HS2

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posted on 21/4/15

Both projects are not viable for Britain.

posted on 21/4/15

We've got trains and a need for them. Viability exists!

comment by TUX (U5315)

posted on 21/4/15

Spending billions upon billions to arrive somewhere 20mins earlier is doesn't offer value for money imo.
That said, if the 'powers that be' are going to once again ignore general opinion and do wtf they want anyway, then maglev > HS2.

posted on 21/4/15

posted 10 minutes ago
We've got trains and a need for them. Viability exists!


And you do realise the current infrastructure is not useful for Maglev trains

posted on 21/4/15

Exactly so we will be miiiiiiiles behind then developed nations

posted on 21/4/15

Having maglev trains doesn't make Britain as an advanced nation.

posted on 21/4/15

Why not spend the £40b on improving our existing Victorian rail network.

Would reduced travel times really help business? I have a video conference with a client tomorrow in Birmingham. Much easier than going on the peasant wagon

posted on 21/4/15

Or even the roads in rural areas.

posted on 21/4/15

You would hope by 2026 the times of everyone commuting to work for a 9-5 job would be a thing of the past, already we are slowly seeing a shift towards more and more remote based work, virtual meetings and so on.

posted on 21/4/15

How many nations have maglev?

Just a rail network similar to Germany would help!

posted on 21/4/15

This country led the world once, now they just see something they like in a foreign country and try to copy it, frittering away billions of public money in the process only to find its a white elephant a after all, like the M6 toll road, no forward thinkers anymore

posted on 21/4/15

Think about Greece then Mark

posted on 21/4/15

comment by Chris H (U15205)
posted 8 minutes ago
You would hope by 2026 the times of everyone commuting to work for a 9-5 job would be a thing of the past, already we are slowly seeing a shift towards more and more remote based work, virtual meetings and so on.

I couldn't imagine some of the guys here working from home, one guy in production runs a 3m lathe.....don't think that will fit in his home office

posted on 21/4/15

"I couldn't imagine some of the guys here working from home, one guy in production runs a 3m lathe.....don't think that will fit in his home office"

Of course it will never be everyone, but from my experience I'd say at least 30% of the UK workforce could do the majority of their job remotely.

posted on 21/4/15

I'm office based, but as I work in design and production I can't see when that would happen.

I would push for it, but it won't happen

posted on 21/4/15

I work from home, however travel for work is a frequent event.

If it's going to be expensive, as trains are, then it might as well be fast!

And it isn't just about having maglev, it's about a technological push.
It's like saying "yeah gas gave us lighting and heating, wtf do we need electricity".

posted on 21/4/15

couldn't imagine some of the guys here working from home, one guy in production runs a 3m lathe.....don't think that will fit in his home

Would 3D printing be useful for him?

posted on 21/4/15

What benefit would it really give. The technology already exists, will it improve and will English/British engineers be the one developing this?

Or focus on what we are good at and just renovate the crumbling current network and add things like double deck trains etc to reduce conjestion

posted on 21/4/15

Arouna that gas/electricity analogy was to put what I was saying in context re your points about Victorian rail system and roads

posted on 21/4/15

I work from home, however travel for work is a frequent event.

If it's going to be expensive, as trains are, then it might as well be fast!
Oh it'll be expensive, the costs are rising daily, in fact it'll be somewhere nearer to 8bn, not the 2bn originally quoted, but what's a bit of Chucky eh?

posted on 21/4/15

Then upgrade the crumbling network and match what Germany has. I don't want a maglev, just a train that doesn't stink of pïss.

The channel tunnel was a great leap in civil projects, but it hasn't shut down the ferries.

I work in renewables, so invest that cash in developing tidal technology and be the world leader in that

posted on 21/4/15

Maglev track and infrastructure is complex and great for long end to end journeys eg. London to Glasgow.

However if you want to serve places which require junctions and spurs, Maglev won't work. There is no Maglev system in the world with junctions.

GB mainland has many cities with demand for rail travel, Maglev cannot work here unless there's a dedicated line between two distant endpoints.

HS2 is what's required.

posted on 21/4/15

Then upgrade the crumbling network and match what Germany has. I don't want a maglev, just a train that doesn't stink of pïss.


Or that sour smell at the end of a day near the bog when the train hasn't been "refreshed"! Yuck

The channel tunnel is brilliant, if you all use Amazon you wouldn't believe how much of your stuff goes through the tunnel to deliver to your doors. It's the fastest and least disruptive way. Brilliant project that we are now seeing the benefits of in the Information Age.

posted on 21/4/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/4/15

Maglev would be a similar waste. In Germany the estimated cost was about £200k a meter

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