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These 28 comments are related to an article called:

Expectations For Sanchez's Second Season

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posted on 13/7/15

I think he could do even better but in a different way. Last season his best form came when the rest of the team was in disarray, hopefully we'll see his best form when his team mates are also at the party.
This coming season (with one or two signings) we should really be able to whether our next injury crisis.

Ozil, Wilshere, Sanchez, Cazorla, Ramsey, Ox and Walcott - could be truly special, just needs one more out and out attacker though.

Also I hope Sanchez gets a decent rest after the Copa as he suffered from a bit of burnout towards the end of our league campaign. That's two fairly long international tournaments in a row for him.

posted on 13/7/15

Honestly believe this is Ox's year.


posted on 13/7/15

As a wide player who actually stays fit, Sanchez is worth his weight in gold. We need a similar signing who he would swap wings with. A bit like the Ribery-Robben combination. Our play was frustratingly narrow last season.

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