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WBA v Swans

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comment by JH (U18654)

posted on 13/12/16

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posted on 14/12/16

I'd prefer to see two proper full backs. Nyom at RB and Galloway at LB.

comment by Alouion (U2095)

posted on 14/12/16

They are sure to be fired up. We have to match them for effort. 2-2. Hope I'm wrong and we get a victory.

posted on 14/12/16

Surely to God, this is a game Chadli must start? Rondon is a very good player, but he needs more support. I cant see any reason at all to play with just one up front, alone, at home to Swansea. That doesnt mean it wont happen though.

I'd like to see another 3-1. But I get the feeling it will be a draw.

posted on 14/12/16

Not sure about dropping Evans though...

posted on 14/12/16

Chadli looks isolated. As does Rondon.

TP should play the two of them next to each other and get some balls into the box.

Morrison couldnt trap a bucket of wet cement tonight.

posted on 14/12/16


Wtf do people know?

posted on 14/12/16

As soon as the balls are put into the box... Rondon gets a bagfull. Ha ha! Brilliant.

Time to do the same to ManYoo!

comment by JH (U18654)

posted on 14/12/16


What a team

posted on 15/12/16

Good win.

Rondon is an animal
Chadli is
Nyom is laughably good.

3 straight home wins. Glad to see us at last despatching the weaker teams at home.

posted on 15/12/16

Villa's promotion bid going up in smoke.
Wolves going down
Blues sack their best manager in living memory

What a week..


comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 15/12/16

My first game of the season, and I was apprehensive. Swansea have scored and conceded in equal measure in recent games and you just never know with Albion. Swansea dominated possession in the first half and their passing was slick, but nothing happened in front of goal - Foster was untroubled, and the Swansea corners were also ineffective. Albion looked jaded but created the first half's chances. Second half we were much more purposeful, Nyom looked a beast at times and had me and my mate laughing our socks off at one challenge, shepherding the ball out for a throw-in. He got turned a few times but he was useful in attack. Then came Rondon's headers, three crackers of placement, the third one really top drawer all from great crosses. Swansea were left with little option but to attack, but even their goal was a defensive farce by Albion, and how Chris Brunt's miscue missed was a mystery, and Foster had to save again from McAuley I think it was. Olsson's passing was off, Chadli looked tired and Phillips looked a bit lethargic at times too. I thought we took Rondon off 5 minutes too early, and Craig Gardner didn't do a fat lot off the bench. Yet we still had too much for huffing and puffing Swansea. Loved The Crystals at the end. Now we just need a couple of days' good rest.

comment by Alouion (U2095)

posted on 15/12/16

Agree, as ever, with much of what you've written Aries. However I was glad Rondon came off. He is going to be important on Saturday. The team did look lacklustre in the first half which may well have been a reaction from the Chelsea match. Nyom was tremendous again.

posted on 15/12/16

Another great result. No surprise that Rondon can destroy sides if he has the right service. It seems to have taken a long time for the penny to drop but we're finally getting good crosses into the big man. Brunt's return is obviously a big factor in this and long may it continue.

Why wasn't Evans in the team last night? Was he suspended or injured. We're going to need him on Saturday for sure!

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 15/12/16

Alouion, I just felt that attacking Swansea was the best way of keeping them at bay, and Rondon didn't give Swansea any rest. But I agree he will be needed big time against Man Utd.

posted on 15/12/16

Was mentioned last night on MOTD that Evans picked up a knock v's Chelsea.

Desperately need him in the starting 11 for the game v Utd.

posted on 15/12/16

When TP's contract was recently extended for a further year, the unrest of the fans and large reduction in ST sales (me included) must have been on the agenda as a proviso that he promotes more attacking and entertaining play.

Up until that point, a great majority on here and other forums were calling for TP's head (again me included) but if he continues in this vein, I will give him credit where credit is due. We all know his love for defensive, although boring, footy but we can only hope that the recent performances have caused him to also fall in love with a more expansive style of play.

Might even go for a Half Season Ticket !!!

ARIES/ALOUION, couldn't get to the game last night - Granddaughters nativity play at her school. Glad you enjoyed it !

posted on 15/12/16

Baggieman. Nice comment.

There were another group of fans that were neither 'for' or 'against' Pulis (me included) and were prepared to give him some time.
Not sure how he got us to survive in the Prem last season with the squad that he had but he managed it.
Now we are seeing 'his' squad starting to take shape we can see more clearly where we are heading.

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