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UTD, Officials and Off Side Goals

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posted on 16/1/17

I have watched enough games v United to make my own judgement. It is not just big call bias, it encroaches on every little decision during a match. The amount 50/50 decisions that would go United's way during a game, which all add up to a better chance to win. The nudge from your player not given. Backing in to a defender to win a free kick. Climbing on attackers and not being penalised. Getting away with yellows or drawing cheap ones

posted on 16/1/17

HRH King Ledley (U20095)

Yes, anecdotal from a Spurs fan watching his team against United - that's really valuable, isn't it.

I can't believe you wrote that. Ridiculous.

posted on 19/1/17

I watched Man Utd for years and we are the worst treated side by refs. I think even refs have come out and said its easier not to give a decision for Man Utd as no one except Man Utd fans and involved care while if you give any decision to Man Utd even if right their is tons of attention on it.

posted on 19/1/17

Mourinho for example thought if SAF was the manager certain decisions would have gone better then they have this season but the reality is what Mourinho is experiencing is normal. Even Moyes mentioned about playing against refs as he never had it so bad in his management career.

posted on 19/1/17

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 2 days, 23 hours ago
HRH King Ledley (U20095)

Yes, anecdotal from a Spurs fan watching his team against United - that's really valuable, isn't it.

I can't believe you wrote that. Ridiculous.

Seriously, you are deluded if you think United did not get favourable decisions.

It is not as if I only watched United when they played Spurs

posted on 19/1/17

We probably have been denied about 10 clear penalties this season and this is just one of them.

posted on 19/1/17

Look at this one and seconds later we had a goal disallowed for being a millimetre off on 3d angle.

posted on 19/1/17

Bravo should have seen red and given away a penalty yet then you see this

Disallowed goal against Boro that by law should be allowed.

Herrera doesn't even make a yellow card offense during the game and gets 2 yellows for 2 supposed fouls.

Even Everton game the softest penalty you will see cost us 2 more points. No wonder Mourinho gone mad

posted on 19/1/17

This is allowed nowadays and if I remember correctly that was early in the 2nd half.

posted on 19/1/17

Even Liverpool connection pundit think it is a straight red card Souness.

posted on 19/1/17

That also had the other penalty claim for using arm.

posted on 19/1/17

Apparently this is allowed


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