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De Gea

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posted on 7/3/18

but to suggest DDG ability isn't close to.Edersons is indeed hilarious.


His distribution isn't. This isn't even debatable you putz.

posted on 7/3/18

As tends to happen nowadays people feel the need to make hyperbolic statements rather than accepting they are both quality keepers.


No one has said they are not both quality keepers.


posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 59 seconds ago
Take a look at that video. 3 or 4 examples of his quality. distribution.


You need to watch whole games, not video clips you clown.

I don't to dissprove your latest silly comment.

That clip that took seconds to find and clearly shows DDG is more than capable of anything Ederson is with his feet, therefore proving your claim ddgs distribution isn't close to Ederson both wrong and silly.

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 4 minutes ago
but to suggest DDG ability isn't close to.Edersons is indeed hilarious.


His distribution isn't. This isn't even debatable you putz.

Anyone can say "it isnt" doesn't make it right. Especially someone with your track record. Try substantiating your ridiculous claim.

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Man in Black (U21752)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 59 seconds ago
Take a look at that video. 3 or 4 examples of his quality. distribution.


You need to watch whole games, not video clips you clown.

I don't to dissprove your latest silly comment.

That clip that took seconds to find and clearly shows DDG is more than capable of anything Ederson is with his feet, therefore proving your claim ddgs distribution isn't close to Ederson both wrong and silly.

Eh? Of course it doesn’t.

posted on 7/3/18

I don't to dissprove your latest silly comment.


You have not shown anything to disprove any comment I have made.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 7/3/18

Right, I have said degea is a quality keeper and a better shot stopper, best in the prem no doubt.

But to even suggest he’s in the same league as Ederson on distribution is laughable as bias and excusable but completely idiotic if it’s meant with any sincerity.

“Hope I’m not doing a smalling moment like you did vc by saying that before a game 😂”

posted on 7/3/18

Eh? Of course it doesn’t.


This is United's worst JA606 poster Melts. Even worse than Stretty.

I can show a YouTube clip of Matic scoring a scorcher from outside the box. That doesn't make hi better at shooting than Gerrard was, for example.

posted on 7/3/18


You have 16 points in the bag. Don't think it will matter that much.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 1 minute ago

You have 16 points in the bag. Don't think it will matter that much.

It’s the champions league game tonight I
Meant 😂 even at 4 nil up the pessimism as a long time city supporter never leaves you

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 16 minutes ago
As tends to happen nowadays people feel the need to make hyperbolic statements rather than accepting they are both quality keepers.


No one has said they are not both quality keepers.


Who said you said they weren't ?


posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 6 minutes ago
Eh? Of course it doesn’t.


This is United's worst JA606 poster Melts. Even worse than Stretty.

I can show a YouTube clip of Matic scoring a scorcher from outside the box. That doesn't make hi better at shooting than Gerrard was, for example.


But it would who maticnwas capable of scoring screamers and there has the ability. Just that he doesnt use it was often


posted on 7/3/18

comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 11 minutes ago
Right, I have said degea is a quality keeper and a better shot stopper, best in the prem no doubt.

But to even suggest he’s in the same league as Ederson on distribution is laughable as bias and excusable but completely idiotic if it’s meant with any sincerity.

“Hope I’m not doing a smalling moment like you did vc by saying that before a game 😂”

Ok, you say they are leagues apart distribution wise. If provides a videomshowing otherwise.

Over to you. Other than just saying it, can you substantiate your claim ?

posted on 7/3/18

Who said you said they weren't ?


I would have thought you would know, as you made this statement.

'As tends to happen nowadays people feel the need to make hyperbolic statements rather than accepting they are both quality keepers'.


I will assume you just pulled that statement out of your ar$e then, you stupid child.

posted on 7/3/18

Exactly. I didn't say that YOU said they werent both quality.

Apology accepted

posted on 7/3/18

It’s the champions league game tonight I
Meant 😂 even at 4 nil up the pessimism as a long time city supporter never leaves you



When is the last time someone beat you by more than four at home. I think you can walk this one in much the same way Liverpool did last night.

posted on 7/3/18

Brand new perspective that math.

posted on 7/3/18

Just that he doesnt use it was often


Not true. He just can't do it often, as most of his shots fail to hit the target.

Do you actually watch our games, or do you just set out to be stupid on the internet on purpose?

posted on 7/3/18

Ok, you say they are leagues apart distribution wise. If provides a videomshowing otherwise.


No, you did not.

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Man in Black (U21752)
posted 2 minutes ago

Exactly. I didn't say that YOU said they werent both quality.

I never said you did. Please read what people say to you.

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Man in Black (U21752)
posted 2 minutes ago

Exactly. I didn't say that YOU said they werent both quality.

I never said you did. Please read what people say to you.
I never said that you said that I said that you said they aren't both quality

posted on 7/3/18


Edersons distribution may be better than DDG, But to suggestslbthey arent in the same league is hyperbolic and untrue. DDG is very accurate with his kicking as is shown in the video

posted on 7/3/18

Edersons distribution may be better than DDG


It is. You can shut up now.


DDG is very accurate with his kicking


Does the video show the ones he kicks into touch or straight to the opposition, like the one Jose scowled at him for on Monday night.

Not that there is any chance you saw the game.

posted on 7/3/18

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 8 minutes ago
Edersons distribution may be better than DDG


It is. You can shut up now.


DDG is very accurate with his kicking


Does the video show the ones he kicks into touch or straight to the opposition, like the one Jose scowled at him for on Monday night.

Not that there is any chance you saw the game.

Right, because Ederson will.never have scuffed one. Idiot

posted on 7/3/18

De Gea isn't the worst at all with the ball at his feet and you never feel nervous with him either like some keepers. However I think Ederson is quite some way better as his passing is really good the majority of the time.

That's no sleight on De Gea but Ederson beats him in thay one which is why he's a keeper who suits City perfectly.

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