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Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes Thread

Page 185 of 2006

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

Batman thinks Superman is a threat so he tries to kill him and nearly succeeds but then supes shouts martha and all is forgiven and theyre best friends now also wonder woman turns up to help them fight the booger monster created by jar-of-pee Luthor and superman dies

posted on 16/3/21

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posted on 16/3/21

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posted on 16/3/21

Martha is the tombstone by which that movie will always be remembered.

posted on 16/3/21

the point was that he had a mum and wasnt just some alien, but for the memes yeah martha lol

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

Thing is, I think it could have worked but was just so poorly executed.

posted on 16/3/21

It's corny no matter what way they played it imo.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

Yeah but they could have done it in a less...memeable way

posted on 16/3/21

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posted on 16/3/21

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
I think it will clearly polarise. It’s 4 hours long ffs and it can’t all of a sudden become Terminator 2 combined with Shawshank Redemption with twists akin to the Usual Suspects.

I’d imagine it will be a much better version than the TR, amplified because we got the TR and how gash that was. But looked at independently, it won’t be IW or Endgame level. Probably a bit below avengers 2012.

But a better position that what we got originally.
It won't be anywhere near as good as Infinity War but there's no reason it can't be as good as the fun mess that was Endgame.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 16/3/21

It won't be anywhere near as good as Infinity War but there's no reason it can't be as good as the fun mess that was Endgame.

Simply not the same build up, so wouldn't be the same payoff

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Pun Guy (U21588)
posted 3 hours, 54 minutes ago
[Snyder's] Justice League is overlong, miserable and signifies nothing other than the potential of fandom to influence top-level creative decision-making.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is a cold and it's a very broken hallelujah.

Years of tweets have brought us a superhero movie that is kinda different than before but mostly similar and very long so it turns out hashtag ReleaseTheSnyderCut worked and PLEASE DON'T KILL BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE YOUR MOVIE.


posted on 16/3/21

The save martha line is truly awful. The Batman fight scene of him actually is trying to save Martha is incredible

I think I'll skip the BvS rewatch but if anyone decides to eatch it, I'd recommend the ultimate cut.

posted on 16/3/21

Definitely recommend the Ultimate Edition and it's easy to know if you're watching it as it's three hours long as opposed to the two and a half hour cinema cut which is inferior.

You also get a little more of that fantastic Batman warehouse fight in the Ultimate Edition. I'd highly recommend anyone watches it or rewatches it before watching Snyder's JL as one directly flows into the other.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Superb - Kal-El Havertz (U6486)
posted 13 seconds ago
Definitely recommend the Ultimate Edition and it's easy to know if you're watching it as it's three hours long as opposed to the two and a half hour cinema cut which is inferior.

You also get a little more of that fantastic Batman warehouse fight in the Ultimate Edition. I'd highly recommend anyone watches it or rewatches it before watching Snyder's JL as one directly flows into the other.
Not a bad idea actually I might do that.

I don’t suppose anyone knows the time that JL is released? If it’s midnight I’ll stay up and watch it 😂

posted on 16/3/21

No idea mate, could be midnight in theory I guess. Sky Cinema should have some info on their website by now.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

The release time for Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League is expected to be at 12 AM PDT on Thursday, 18th March 2021.

If true that's early our time I believe.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 16/3/21

Yeah PDT is midnight here on the west coast of Canada, so 8am your time.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

I should stress I can't verify the info above, just read it in a random article

posted on 16/3/21

8am nice. Curtains closed, volume up

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 16/3/21

Snyder cut on Thursday, Falcon & WS on Friday. Not a bad start to the weekend.

posted on 16/3/21

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posted on 16/3/21

comment by Pun Guy (U21588)
posted 57 seconds ago
Snyder cut on Thursday, Falcon & WS on Friday. Not a bad start to the weekend.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by NPEEE (U22521)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 20 minutes ago
8am nice. Curtains closed, volume up

Poornhub time?
One of the benefits of living solo mate. Nothing beats 65” 4K full volume action

posted on 16/3/21

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Page 185 of 2006

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