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A nice little Bank Holiday read

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posted on 27/8/18

What a beautiful read. Thanks for sharing TB.

Cheered me up from the current bore fest and renewed hope that we can push on.

One thing I would say is Ranieri’s biggest credit and criticism comes in the form of how he evolved the team.

Initially he changed nothing and played to the style that had been so effecrive. Then his masterstroke with his small tweaks which still got the best out of our players but made us more tactically flexible and quicker on the counter.

Then his failing. He threw out the blue print and changed too much. The players couldn’t adapt and he then refused to back track.

We’re now in a similar place with Puel. I initially he tweaked to much success but then changed too much too quickly. We finished last season in relegation form.

Summer was critical. The style (right or wrong remains up for debate) wasn’t changing so the personnel needed to.

Now the remaining question. Has Puel got the players to make his system work.

Let’s find out.

posted on 27/8/18

You can only assume the way we play is being directed from the top, Ranieri couldn't make it work, Shakey wouldn't try quick enough and now Puel?

posted on 27/8/18

I don’t think it is TB. I think there’s a plan atclub level to sustain and grow the club in to a European side, but how we get there I believe is down to the manager.

Puel for me has convinced them his way is the way forward.

posted on 27/8/18

Cracking read. Brings back the memories.

posted on 27/8/18

Brilliant read TB
Doesn't overlook Nige's part in the story and how King Claudio took it to a remarkable level.
Hope Riyad doesn't regret moving to the big boys.
Notice he's been on the bench ( and not used) in the last 2 games.

Claudio confounded all his critics at the time of his appointment. Wouldn't it be great if Clade did the same

posted on 27/8/18

Sure I saw him give the ball away to a Wolves player leading to a break attack on Saturday. >laugh>

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