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These 14 comments are related to an article called:

City so close....then fail!

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posted on 26/4/19

I hope everyone watched the game

a) LFC were forced to play this game at city's home ground. That was terribly wrong.

b) City's ouths play in an all seater purpose built ground that put several league clubs to shame. Proving the oil money argument.

c) Bobby duncan played for city

d) The premier league isn't decided on penalties

e) if LFC seniors had managed to get the 1-1 at city's ground as well the tile would already be over

posted on 26/4/19

I’m hearing lots of good things about Duncan and Glatzel, along with Brewster that gives us lots of back up for the squad next season.

As an aside no problem if City win the Premier League after we lost a nine point gap. You never know though.

posted on 26/4/19

I think Brewster's mind is set on the first squad, Aggers. You don't hear Jurgen speaking about other youngsters as much.

posted on 26/4/19

Nice of us to let someone else win it for once

posted on 26/4/19

Duncan is very Fowleresq where you put the ball on his left foot and he will bury it. He does need to improve his overall game as those types of forwards have been phased out. Still touch and go if he will make it.

posted on 26/4/19

comment by Randomer (U5245)
posted 14 minutes ago
Nice of us to let someone else win it for once
Chelsea youth players finally twig they’re not getting into the first team so why bother.

posted on 26/4/19

GB give it up mate, it is over for another season. You gave it a good go, but in the end still went under. Better luck next year.

posted on 26/4/19

comment by sandy (U20567)
posted 5 minutes ago
GB give it up mate, it is over for another season. You gave it a good go, but in the end still went under. Better luck next year.

posted on 26/4/19

Sandy - question , recognising that spurs aren’t going to win it then , if you had a choice would you want us or city to win it? If it was the other way round then I would be backing spurs as I think city are buying their succes where as others are doing it sustainably .

posted on 26/4/19

Christ if you lot don’t win the league or CL is GB going to be okay?

I think the pressure of the run in is getting to him

posted on 26/4/19

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posted on 26/4/19

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comment by bomdia (U13941)

posted on 26/4/19

comment by moreinjuredthanowen (U9641)
posted 12 hours, 45 minutes ago
I hope everyone watched the game

a) LFC were forced to play this game at city's home ground. That was terribly wrong.

b) City's ouths play in an all seater purpose built ground that put several league clubs to shame. Proving the oil money argument.

c) Bobby duncan played for city

d) The premier league isn't decided on penalties

e) if LFC seniors had managed to get the 1-1 at city's ground as well the tile would already be over

Kindly explain how investing in an arena for youth and women's football is a bad thing and ruining football. Seems to be stretching bitterness a bit far.

comment by House (U17162)

posted on 27/4/19

G_B went quiet after City's last win, must have cried himself to sleep that night

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