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These 283 comments are related to an article called:

Let's be consistent

Page 11 of 12

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
Lockdown of all airports etc until a method to screen passengers could be in place.

Until then only those resident in U.K. could come back to be placed in quarantine on their return.

The virus emanated from outside the U.K. the U.K. is an island. That we have become the worst affected country in Europe despite being an island is saying something.

Look at Malta, another island, closer proximity to Italy, they have average of 20 deaths per million and done double the tests per million than the U.K. has.

That’s the sort of figure the U.K. gov should have been able to achieve. But they haven’t because they didn’t react quickly nor strongly enough.

Had they done so, we would have been able to get back to normal quicker. Now we are going to have long term issues.
There’s no denying that virtually every reaction has been too late. But comparisons with smaller, less populated islands aren’t realistic imo. The sheer density and number of our population makes it incredibly difficult to control anything in the same way islands such as Malta and New Zealand can.
Oh right, so our government weren’t aware they we are a small densely populated country?

Seems a bit f*cking basic.

posted on 28/6/20

People like Sizzle would literally lose their minds if by some miracle the world became a utopia place of peace. It’s sad how much people like him thrive and revel in the misery Of the modern world. They simply live for it.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 46 seconds ago
People like Sizzle would literally lose their minds if by some miracle the world became a utopia place of peace. It’s sad how much people like him thrive and revel in the misery Of the modern world. They simply live for it.

Literally everything you just said is wrong.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Great Teams Give Season Ticket Refunds Game By Game (U1308)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Great Teams Give Season Ticket Refunds Game By Game (U1308)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 59 minutes ago

Let this be a lesson.

America, like Brazil & The UK have populist leaders who think facts are an opinion and tell their populations that they are special and that rules don’t apply to them.
Maybe you should be attacking the manipulative media, who are responsible for pressuring the government into making decisions and then whipping up a frenzy when things go wrong.

If the government is led by the f*cking media, then they aren’t fit for purpose.

Flip flop flip flop U turn after U turn.

How about stick to the science and show some judgement and f*cking leadership?
Every government is led by the media. I didn’t realise you were that naive.....
Always somebody else’s fault.

You sure you’re not IN the f*cking government?
Oh dear, poor old naive Sizzle. So lost inside your own bubble of fantasy that you have no idea about the real world.
Except the 67,000 people dead, the tanked economy, the thousands of new cases every week and the corrupt cash for favours government who have mismanaged this clusterf*ck from the start and continue to do so.

How should it have been handled then?

Setups your views on how to deal with it and what financial steps you would have taken.
Lockdown should have been initiated at least a month earlier, that alone would have saved over 20’000 lives, but instead we had a PM, flouncing about shaking hands with Covid 19 patients insisting there was nothing to worry about.

That’s just using hindsight pal.
No hindsight needed PAL, we had multiple warnings from multiple countries and from our own scientific community.

It surely is hindsight. You take what fits the agenda, comparing islands.....

Each nation is a separate case. Different culture, customs, living styles, population density, size of country. I could blame Italy for not closing the northern boarder, allowing travel for brits via Austria back to the U.K.

The one single error, flying back brits from Wuhan. That was under our control.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
Lockdown of all airports etc until a method to screen passengers could be in place.

Until then only those resident in U.K. could come back to be placed in quarantine on their return.

The virus emanated from outside the U.K. the U.K. is an island. That we have become the worst affected country in Europe despite being an island is saying something.

Look at Malta, another island, closer proximity to Italy, they have average of 20 deaths per million and done double the tests per million than the U.K. has.

That’s the sort of figure the U.K. gov should have been able to achieve. But they haven’t because they didn’t react quickly nor strongly enough.

Had they done so, we would have been able to get back to normal quicker. Now we are going to have long term issues.
There’s no denying that virtually every reaction has been too late. But comparisons with smaller, less populated islands aren’t realistic imo. The sheer density and number of our population makes it incredibly difficult to control anything in the same way islands such as Malta and New Zealand can.
Oh right, so our government weren’t aware they we are a small densely populated country?

Seems a bit f*cking basic.
You’re a bit f*cking basic. You base your opinion on the basis that things can happen with a simple click of the fingers, with no idea of how things really work. Enjoy your bubble.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
Lockdown of all airports etc until a method to screen passengers could be in place.

Until then only those resident in U.K. could come back to be placed in quarantine on their return.

The virus emanated from outside the U.K. the U.K. is an island. That we have become the worst affected country in Europe despite being an island is saying something.

Look at Malta, another island, closer proximity to Italy, they have average of 20 deaths per million and done double the tests per million than the U.K. has.

That’s the sort of figure the U.K. gov should have been able to achieve. But they haven’t because they didn’t react quickly nor strongly enough.

Had they done so, we would have been able to get back to normal quicker. Now we are going to have long term issues.
There’s no denying that virtually every reaction has been too late. But comparisons with smaller, less populated islands aren’t realistic imo. The sheer density and number of our population makes it incredibly difficult to control anything in the same way islands such as Malta and New Zealand can.

Not as difficult as you think.

It’s an island. There’s no reason anyone has to fly in during a pandemic if the government say not to. Yet people throughout the whole lockdown were flying in with temperature checks, without tracking and tracing etc - it’s scary how little care was put into it.

I’m flying to Australia next month and have to on entry be bused to a hotel and forced to stay in my room for two weeks with risk of a $1600 fine if I even walk down the hallway. How many dead in Australia? 100 odd. And yes, it’s a big country but take Sydney, a city of 5 million people with a similar population density to London. Only 60 odd deaths there.

No, travel bans won’t stop all the deaths in the Uk. But starting a proper lockdown and travel ban a month before they did and I guarantee you the number of deaths would be hugely reduced. And the borders can stay closed until the worldwide deaths slow down - or at the very least allow people from countries like Australia, South Korea, New Zealand etc

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 46 seconds ago
People like Sizzle would literally lose their minds if by some miracle the world became a utopia place of peace. It’s sad how much people like him thrive and revel in the misery Of the modern world. They simply live for it.

Literally everything you just said is wrong.
Are you denying that your life revolves around talking about everything negative in the world. If you are, I could highlight several thousand of your posts to prove it....

posted on 28/6/20

I doubt Sizzle revels in anything. He sees the huge injustices that certain people face and rages against it.

Does he get a little carried away at times? Yeah, but that is least is the same reaction as opposed to pretending the problems don’t exist like some people.

posted on 28/6/20

*sane reaction

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Robb Sancho (U22311)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
Lockdown of all airports etc until a method to screen passengers could be in place.

Until then only those resident in U.K. could come back to be placed in quarantine on their return.

The virus emanated from outside the U.K. the U.K. is an island. That we have become the worst affected country in Europe despite being an island is saying something.

Look at Malta, another island, closer proximity to Italy, they have average of 20 deaths per million and done double the tests per million than the U.K. has.

That’s the sort of figure the U.K. gov should have been able to achieve. But they haven’t because they didn’t react quickly nor strongly enough.

Had they done so, we would have been able to get back to normal quicker. Now we are going to have long term issues.
There’s no denying that virtually every reaction has been too late. But comparisons with smaller, less populated islands aren’t realistic imo. The sheer density and number of our population makes it incredibly difficult to control anything in the same way islands such as Malta and New Zealand can.

Not as difficult as you think.

It’s an island. There’s no reason anyone has to fly in during a pandemic if the government say not to. Yet people throughout the whole lockdown were flying in with temperature checks, without tracking and tracing etc - it’s scary how little care was put into it.

I’m flying to Australia next month and have to on entry be bused to a hotel and forced to stay in my room for two weeks with risk of a $1600 fine if I even walk down the hallway. How many dead in Australia? 100 odd. And yes, it’s a big country but take Sydney, a city of 5 million people with a similar population density to London. Only 60 odd deaths there.

No, travel bans won’t stop all the deaths in the Uk. But starting a proper lockdown and travel ban a month before they did and I guarantee you the number of deaths would be hugely reduced. And the borders can stay closed until the worldwide deaths slow down - or at the very least allow people from countries like Australia, South Korea, New Zealand etc
I don’t see anyone saying the government weren’t too slow to react, my point is that it’s chalk and cheese comparing us to others just because we’re an island.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Robb Sancho (U22311)
posted 1 minute ago
I doubt Sizzle revels in anything. He sees the huge injustices that certain people face and rages against it.

Does he get a little carried away at times? Yeah, but that is least is the same reaction as opposed to pretending the problems don’t exist like some people.
Just because some don’t post the same stuff over and over, doesn’t mean they’re in denial about everything.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 11 minutes ago
People like Sizzle would literally lose their minds if by some miracle the world became a utopia place of peace. It’s sad how much people like him thrive and revel in the misery Of the modern world. They simply live for it.
Think the first ones to lose their minds will be the arms industry and those that depend on them.

posted on 28/6/20

In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.

posted on 28/6/20

We had control over our borders.. all passenger flights should have been stopped.

Jet2 took more decisive action than the government when they turned a plane around in midair that was taking holiday makers to Spain.

No flight stoppages, no quarantine despite weeks of data from other countries.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Great Teams Give Season Ticket Refunds Game By Game (U1308)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Great Teams Give Season Ticket Refunds Game By Game (U1308)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Great Teams Give Season Ticket Refunds Game By Game (U1308)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 59 minutes ago

Let this be a lesson.

America, like Brazil & The UK have populist leaders who think facts are an opinion and tell their populations that they are special and that rules don’t apply to them.
Maybe you should be attacking the manipulative media, who are responsible for pressuring the government into making decisions and then whipping up a frenzy when things go wrong.

If the government is led by the f*cking media, then they aren’t fit for purpose.

Flip flop flip flop U turn after U turn.

How about stick to the science and show some judgement and f*cking leadership?
Every government is led by the media. I didn’t realise you were that naive.....
Always somebody else’s fault.

You sure you’re not IN the f*cking government?
Oh dear, poor old naive Sizzle. So lost inside your own bubble of fantasy that you have no idea about the real world.
Except the 67,000 people dead, the tanked economy, the thousands of new cases every week and the corrupt cash for favours government who have mismanaged this clusterf*ck from the start and continue to do so.

How should it have been handled then?

Setups your views on how to deal with it and what financial steps you would have taken.
Lockdown should have been initiated at least a month earlier, that alone would have saved over 20’000 lives, but instead we had a PM, flouncing about shaking hands with Covid 19 patients insisting there was nothing to worry about.

That’s just using hindsight pal.
No hindsight needed PAL, we had multiple warnings from multiple countries and from our own scientific community.

It surely is hindsight. You take what fits the agenda, comparing islands.....

Each nation is a separate case. Different culture, customs, living styles, population density, size of country. I could blame Italy for not closing the northern boarder, allowing travel for brits via Austria back to the U.K.

The one single error, flying back brits from Wuhan. That was under our control.
Coronavirus doesn’t recognise culture, customs or BORDERS.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 2 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
Which highlights to me the risk was greater and faster robust action was needed.

They did nothing.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 3 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
What a feeble excuse.

These are known knowns and should have been taken into consideration.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 2 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
Which highlights to me the risk was greater and faster robust action was needed.

They did nothing.
I’m not arguing about their lack of decisive action, I’m highlighting the sheer scale of the task they had. It’s easier to control a classroom of five children than a class of thirty. Context.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 3 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
What a feeble excuse.

These are known knowns and should have been taken into consideration.
Keep clicking those fingers.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 2 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
Which highlights to me the risk was greater and faster robust action was needed.

They did nothing.
I’m not arguing about their lack of decisive action, I’m highlighting the sheer scale of the task they had. It’s easier to control a classroom of five children than a class of thirty. Context.
You’d already have the resources, or should have, to deal with the greater numbers..

posted on 28/6/20

comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 2 minutes ago
In 2018, approx 8 million tourists entered Australia, as opposed to around 38 million to the uk. Just gives an idea to the different scales that different countries have to operate to in order to implement new measures.
Which highlights to me the risk was greater and faster robust action was needed.

They did nothing.
I’m not arguing about their lack of decisive action, I’m highlighting the sheer scale of the task they had. It’s easier to control a classroom of five children than a class of thirty. Context.
You’d already have the resources, or should have, to deal with the greater numbers..
But we haven’t 🤷🏻‍♂️

posted on 28/6/20

Of course letting billionaires off from paying £140m in favour of getting a £12k direct donation will undoubtedly rob the country of the ability to make resources more readily available.

posted on 28/6/20

Kind of shows the house of cards we have the economic and social security of this country built on Term.

Covid-19 is a “black swan” event, things need to change.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 6 minutes ago
Kind of shows the house of cards we have the economic and social security of this country built on Term.

Covid-19 is a “black swan” event, things need to change.
It seems we’re incapable of changing at every level. At the start of lockdown all we were hearing is how individuals were going to use this to kickstart better lifestyles and how attitudes were going to change. What what I can see, most have reverted back to how things were pretty readily.

posted on 28/6/20

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by *Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 6 minutes ago
Kind of shows the house of cards we have the economic and social security of this country built on Term.

Covid-19 is a “black swan” event, things need to change.
It seems we’re incapable of changing at every level. At the start of lockdown all we were hearing is how individuals were going to use this to kickstart better lifestyles and how attitudes were going to change. What what I can see, most have reverted back to how things were pretty readily.
*From what I can see

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