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These 88 comments are related to an article called:

Daniel Levy overrated?

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comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 10/7/20

Fantastic chairmen off the pitch and average one on it.

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 10/7/20

dont think he was ever much of a footballer tbh

posted on 10/7/20

It’s cos of him we have the stadium, the training ground and generate as much money as we do, you can’t take that away from him regardless of how rubbish we are on the pitch.

posted on 10/7/20

comment by The Hybrid Doos (U10416)
posted 3 minutes ago
It’s cos of him we have the stadium, the training ground and generate as much money as we do, you can’t take that away from him regardless of how rubbish we are on the pitch.

Of course - you can but good but overrated which I think he is. The stadium as mentioned was severely overbudget. Any sensible chairman at a top club would get that done and they have or are going to.

posted on 10/7/20

You can be good*

posted on 10/7/20

can't be bothered to go back through your entire financial history, but your wage bill is typically a fraction - as in, literally 1/2 - that of some of the bigger clubs, so by rights you shouldn't be anywhere near the top 4 most seasons. from that point of view he has hugely overperformed over the past decade.

but he did have an opportunity to really cement you as a top team for the foreseeable, and in hindsight - with your team going backwards at an unpredictably rapid rate, and the pandemic wiping out new stadium income for 6-12 months - the decision to plough money into the stadium rather than the team was an unfortuante one.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 10/7/20

He’s certainly overrated in negotiating transfers. Darth levy what a joke

posted on 10/7/20

I think Levy has done some good deals, but equally he's probably given more credit than he is due. You mentioned van der Vaart, but as memory serves, he was offered to Spurs, so not really a win for Levy.

posted on 10/7/20

Where he has failed is in backing Poch when he really needed it to push on. By failing to do that, the manager and Players did one last push last season. It was time for a rebuild and I think Poch was tired and needed a new challenge, rather than go through another rebuild at a club where he isn't backed.

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Don Draper's dandruff (U20155)
posted 57 seconds ago
can't be bothered to go back through your entire financial history, but your wage bill is typically a fraction - as in, literally 1/2 - that of some of the bigger clubs, so by rights you shouldn't be anywhere near the top 4 most seasons. from that point of view he has hugely overperformed over the past decade.

but he did have an opportunity to really cement you as a top team for the foreseeable, and in hindsight - with your team going backwards at an unpredictably rapid rate, and the pandemic wiping out new stadium income for 6-12 months - the decision to plough money into the stadium rather than the team was an unfortuante one.

Why is that credit to Daniel Levy? That is credit to the manager most notably Pochettino for getting them to where they got to with a relatively small budget. Our wage to revenue ratio is one of the lowest in the league compared to other top clubs. So even on a relative scale (absolute amounts aside) he is being tight and tying the managers hands.

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 10/7/20

bald c***needs to hire a very good DoF and seriously sort out his facking recruitment.

ive never been so close to Levy out over the last year or so, will never get over that summer window of spending jack shat and then the lack of loyalty to a long serving manager.

he is now a long serving chairman who has built the club up well but won fack all for his trouble, we reached our highest leve under him and have free fallen at a alarming rate

posted on 10/7/20

And before any "but he hired Pochettino" comments are used in defence. Pochettino wasn't his first choice and by hiring and sacking managers like he has you are also bound to land someone decent.

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Phenom (U20037)
posted 17 minutes ago
dont think he was ever much of a footballer tbh
Play him at full back?

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Boss By Hugo (U18550)
posted 23 seconds ago
And before any "but he hired Pochettino" comments are used in defence. Pochettino wasn't his first choice and by hiring and sacking managers like he has you are also bound to land someone decent.
ha ha, that was going to be one of my lines (!) i guess as CEO i see him as ultimately responsible for everything, who the manager is, the team's budget, the infrastructure at the club etc.

he seems to be to be a little bit too much of a "value investor", obsessed with getting the best possible deal for players, even if getting a worse deal on a better player might benefit the team more.

it worked well for a long time - your back 5 of rose/walker/alderweireld/vertonghen/lloris - was one of the very best in the PL, and cost you less than half a maguire. bale, eriksen, son, alli etc all joined for relative peanuts.

but over recent years the magic has gone (same way it pretty much evaporated at united), and it's sometimes not entirely clear why that happens (at united we blame woodward, and rightly so, but if levy has been a constant what has changed beneath him. is it the managers, scouts, or something else?)

posted on 10/7/20

Keeping with that analogy. As CEO if you are the 5th best company in your industry and then hire a manager and he transform it into the 2nd or 3rd best company in the industry - which you then refuse to back when he asked you to hire more analysts to make them the best company - instead you sack him because you think another manager can do better with those same staff only to now be the 9th best company in the industry... surely it is the CEO that needs changing or at the very least investment in staff with your previously good manager was dying for.

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Boss By Hugo (U18550)

surely it is the CEO that needs changing or at the very least investment in staff with your previously good manager was dying for.
oh we'd love to get rid of woodward, but turkeys and xmas and all that. if you have largely absent US owners who takes the decision to fire the CEO? not forgetting that the owners are probably partly interested in the glory of winning stuff, but mainly interested in the value of the business - which i'm sure has (or had) been rising steadily due to huge tv deals etc.

But actually I generally agree with Sandy's point, that the players aren't good enough, and i felt the same when jose was at united, we just didn't have enough good players. it did seem that poch had got fed up with the tight purse strings, he seemed to be making a number of not so veiled comments to the press about that, so maybe a parting was good for all concerned.

jose really isn't the right guy to rebuild you without some significant investment, and he's surely a worse coach than poch these days, but maybe he'll be more aggressive in securing funds?

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 10/7/20

Good businessman, rubbish football person

posted on 10/7/20

But you realised Sandy saying "players are good enough" makes him look like a tool, right?

When sensible folk were calling for player investment to help Pochettino who had done such a great job. Sandy was the one saying "we have internationals in this team" and calling for Pochettino's head because he wasn't making the most of it.

The guy is confused on a daily basis.

posted on 10/7/20


posted on 10/7/20

Appointing Mourinho was the worse thing Levy has done thus far.

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Boss By Hugo (U18550)
posted 1 minute ago
But you realised Sandy saying "players are good enough" makes him look like a tool, right?

When sensible folk were calling for player investment to help Pochettino who had done such a great job. Sandy was the one saying "we have internationals in this team" and calling for Pochettino's head because he wasn't making the most of it.

The guy is confused on a daily basis.
oh i do get that, but sandy's toolishness is no concern of mine. hand on heart, i don't actually understand why jose riles people quite so much, i quit this site for a few years because i got bored of united fans blaming him for everything, it was like reading a new york times opinion piece on trump for 6 hours every day.

and the point about players is that things can change really, really quickly - one year you have eriksen, who is every bit as good as coutinho in the PL, two years later both players have left their clubs, only liverpool ended up with an extra £100m in their coffers compared to you.

one year sanchez is one of the best attackers in the PL, 2 years later he is the worst transfer in united's history; just as you have seen with rose, or vertonghen. at least at united we can just keep throwing big money at it - if £50m on fred doesn't work out, let's try £50m on fernandes.

whereas unless you are really good, or really lucky, you won't be able to find a 25 year-old version of rose, or alderweireld, for less than £20m. how on earth could you replace eriksen with the £10m you got from inter?

posted on 10/7/20

I disagree with a lot of sentiment in this article.

I think when it comes to dealings he is pretty good at selling players for a good price, just not great at buying players - but that should also be a DoF’s job (maybe he is bad not to recruit an effective DoF)

posted on 10/7/20

It's not about finding an Eriksen replacement directly for £18m but about being proactive in investing on the squad. Eriksen would have more likely signed a deal if there was actually progress being made at the club.

Some players don't want to waste time in the short careers that they have. Levy by going 18 months without a transfer and generally being a tight baasstard has trickled down to the players themselves.

They don't believe they can win. There is no ambition there to follow. Just about getting top four and making money. Top four doesn't mean much at the end of a player's career and they are also getting paid below market value on wages.

It's all to Levy's benefit. I do not begrudge players leaving. In fact removing my Spurs hat off - if I were Harry Kane I would be moving this summer.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 10/7/20

Levy's bad decisions last 2 years:

- No signings over a summer

- Miss out on Grealish

- Sell Dembele without a replacement

- Sacking Poch

- Bringing in Mourinho

- Amazon documentary

- Asking the government for money (or rather the timing of it)

- Missing out on Bruno Fernandes, this league's signing of the season

What else have I missed?

posted on 10/7/20

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 2 minutes ago
I disagree with a lot of sentiment in this article.

I think when it comes to dealings he is pretty good at selling players for a good price, just not great at buying players - but that should also be a DoF’s job (maybe he is bad not to recruit an effective DoF)

Selling who? Players when they are at the top of their game.. look at the history and it's overrated. We've only sold about 5 players for more than £20m

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