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Russia and Trump

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posted on 30/3/22

Why are the American media burying the hunter biden stuff?

Putin wouldn't of tried this with trump in the white House.

posted on 30/3/22

That's a good post Robb.
Malheureusement I have no idea of the answer.
But currently there are three politicians who lie that I know of
Johnson, Trump and Putin. The last two are far worse than the first though. So anything is possible with them.

posted on 30/3/22

How is Johnson less worse than trump?

posted on 30/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 2 minutes ago
How is Johnson less worse than trump?
As far as I know he hasn't encouraged an attack on the houses Parliament resulting in the death of a policeman.
He hasn't tried to get an election overturned.
He hasn't tried to dig up dirt on an opponent from a foreign government.
His hair is equally bad though.

posted on 30/3/22

He has however over seen the most corrupt government in history and allowed his people under leadership to payout billions to their friends and tory donors for things that dont exist.

Scoreboard - even

posted on 30/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 1 minute ago
He has however over seen the most corrupt government in history and allowed his people under leadership to payout billions to their friends and tory donors for things that dont exist.

Scoreboard - even
Not even close.

posted on 30/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 2 minutes ago
He has however over seen the most corrupt government in history and allowed his people under leadership to payout billions to their friends and tory donors for things that dont exist.

Scoreboard - even
Trumps government was also corrupt but included the above.

posted on 30/3/22


posted on 30/3/22

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 2 minutes ago
He has however over seen the most corrupt government in history and allowed his people under leadership to payout billions to their friends and tory donors for things that dont exist.

Scoreboard - even
Trumps government was also corrupt but included the above.
Still this is going off topic, and at least we agree they are both bad, we are only arguing about how bad.

posted on 30/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 1 minute ago
I don't know why I try and debate with you. I'll stop and just call you thick each time.

posted on 30/3/22

Yeah after your opinion on the Ukraine war and other wars your in no position to call anyone that ever old man.

posted on 30/3/22

And as for hunter biden, if he's done something wrong, doesn't matter where the info comes from, the truth matters even if the politics don't line up with your own.

posted on 31/3/22

Sometimes these people/regimes tend to work together (or just sit by when they shouldn't) because it works in both their favour rather than them having the same end goal.

For Russia, they backed the Brexit Vote and buy off the Tory party (along with any person/party/entity they deem worth while) because an isolated UK/weakened EU benefits them. The UK or rather London is also known as one of the best places in the world to park corrupt funds in the property market - a few backhanders help keep it that way.

For the Tory party, being out of the EU allows them more scope to lower minimum standards and rights, to make up new measures in which pump out propaganda or misleading data. The individuals involved can also be rewarded handsomely too during or post government. They don't care where this influence, assistance or money comes from as they have no morals, they only wish to bleed people dry for their own benefit and will accept any help to facilitate that be it from Russia, Saudi Arabia etc etc

Trump wanted power and freedom to further ruin the US while helping the rich get richer along with the huge ego trip that being elected provides. Russian meddling in the election can help achieve this goal, all he may need to do in return is look the other way at times rather than some sort of literal payback in favours.

posted on 31/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 34 minutes ago
He has however over seen the most corrupt government in history and allowed his people under leadership to payout billions to their friends and tory donors for things that dont exist.

Scoreboard - even

Christ, are you actually a moron permanently?

Boris is a slimy piece of shat, make no mistake, but he isn't even close to the levels of cantiness that Donald '28 sexual assault charges' Trump is at.

posted on 31/3/22

He has not even copped one charge, what are you talking about?

posted on 31/3/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 6 seconds ago
He has not even copped one charge, what are you talking about?

What? A slimy rich billionaire that held the top job is not getting charged with anything? That can't be right surely.

posted on 31/3/22

You said he'd been charged, it's not my fault you can't write legible sentences or know what the hell you are on about.

posted on 31/3/22

I mean it's not as blatant as what happened in the UK (politicians and those involved don't even really try to hide Russian collusion anymore), but the Russians don't need to do all that much in the USA.
They got bigger biggots and home made issues over there than you could ever buy or fabricate to do damage. I don't believe Trump is compromised/bought by Russians, he's just that simple where as Johnson may act like a clown and has the occasional howler, but in general knows what he's doing.

posted on 31/3/22

Imagine being so stupid you actually defend Donald Trump. The vilest piece of shat we have seen in decades.

posted on 31/3/22

Biden is doing such a horrendous job that whoever he goes up against in 2 years is guaranteed to win.

Doesn't help he can barely string a sentence together.

posted on 31/3/22

comment by Cinciwolf---Top seven, guaranteed! (U11551)
posted 10 seconds ago
Imagine being so stupid you actually defend Donald Trump. The vilest piece of shat we have seen in decades.

Youre confusing Defending Donald Trump with saying Johnson is as bad as he is.

This isn't surprising, because as we've established you don't understand words and comprehend sentences.

posted on 31/3/22

Also vilest piece of shat. You do realise that putin has invaded a country in the last 6 weeks.

I mean that's one for a start.

Are you drunk?

posted on 31/3/22

You really are a complete and utter moron.

posted on 31/3/22

comment by Cinciwolf---Top seven, guaranteed! (U11551)
posted 8 seconds ago
You really are a complete and utter moron.

After what you've just posted? Sit down. You utter, utter buffoon.

posted on 31/3/22

Thinking Johnson is as bad as Trump ffs

A special kind of dumb

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