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These 58 comments are related to an article called:

Arsenal being left behind in the Capital

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posted on 25/5/22

comment by Assassin Baby - (U1282)
posted 20 minutes ago
Media reports I saw earlier today suggest the money isn't for transfers.

posted on 25/5/22

What is this trophy dodging supporter talking about? Come back to us when you actually win something because finishing above Arsenal is not a trophy, about 3rd in London

posted on 25/5/22

This is true, Spurs fans shouldn’t be looking at finishing above Arsenal as a trophy… more like, it’s just normal now.

posted on 25/5/22

They need to finish above us another 14 times at least, for it to be 'normal '

posted on 25/5/22

Well, 6 in a row is a hell of a start.

posted on 25/5/22

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
They need to finish above us another 14 times at least, for it to be 'normal '

comment by SteveF (U22027)

posted on 26/5/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 12 hours, 45 minutes ago
comment by 8bit (U2653)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
Spurs have pretty much hit their ceiling, unless Conte can elevate the club to Liverpool/City levels but that's not happening. £150m isn't a huge amount these days. And I don't think Spurs can attract ready made world class players even with that budget. You might just spend it on the next Lo Celso and N'dombele, which was the last time you thought you'd leave us in your shadow.

oh yeah, the season you ended above us.....NOT!
I won't go down the childish route and remind you Spurs actually took 8/12 points from these two "immortals" ( oh sorry, I just did ) but I will tell you to actually read the post, which was clearly about Arsenal being left behind, not about Spurs catching the top two. Something nobody, no really, nobody on here is saying will happen anytime soon.

posted on 26/5/22

Close the thread.....Arsenal have re-signed Nketiah.

Consider the gap closed

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