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How many years before Brexit is overturned?

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posted on 24/7/22

How do people like this still exist?

posted on 24/7/22

Getting rid of that hated EU Duty Free allowance should help our own vinyards to flourish.

posted on 25/7/22

comment by gone but never forgotten (U21659)
posted 5 hours, 55 minutes ago
Unless most of you missed it we live in democracy that means you ask the people what they want via a voting system then you adhere to the results.
So in my life time we will never go cap in hand to those euro bullies and extortionists asking for forgiveness, for actually having the nerve to want to determine our own future.

Last election saw more votes for second referendum parties than brexit ones.

So it's an inevitability

posted on 25/7/22

comment by gone but never forgotten (U21659)
posted 8 hours, 18 minutes ago
Unless most of you missed it we live in democracy that means you ask the people what they want via a voting system then you adhere to the results.
So in my life time we will never go cap in hand to those euro bullies and extortionists asking for forgiveness, for actually having the nerve to want to determine our own future.

Loathe to go over this all again but I'm sure most people who voted leave didn't fully understand the consequences of doing so.

The promises made were unfortunately made by snake oil salesmen. Knowing full well they couldn't be delivered.

posted on 25/7/22

"We Delivered Brexit" - By getting rid of those pesky European nurses.


posted on 25/7/22

"We delivered Brexit" - By getting rid of those pesky European fruit pickers.


posted on 25/7/22

Blue disabled badges from the UK are likely not going to be accepted in Europe now. The blue rinse Brexit voters are going to be fuming.

posted on 25/7/22

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 hour, 56 minutes ago
"We Delivered Brexit" - By getting rid of those pesky European nurses.

JuSt TrAiN mOrE bRiTiSh NuRsEs! they will demand, whilst ignoring the fact that the UK is close to full employment.

posted on 25/7/22

There have been several of the staff in the factory at my work who have decided to move back to Eastern Europe. We have had staff shortages all summer as they struggle to replace them and another one handed in their notice to move back last week.

posted on 25/7/22

Two of the most prolific grumblers I have ever met are a friend’s parents.

I have heard them wail I don’t know how many times that labour shortages have come about because “Young people don’t want to work!” and “They’d rather sit around all day on the dole than go and contribute something to society!” (without being able to give a single example of a person they know doing this).

The husband retired somewhere around his late fifties, and the wife never had a job in her life. Nothing wrong with either of those things, of course; but facking hell, hypocrite much?

posted on 25/7/22

comment by Rosso out here drippin’ in finesse (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
Two of the most prolific grumblers I have ever met are a friend’s parents.

I have heard them wail I don’t know how many times that labour shortages have come about because “Young people don’t want to work!” and “They’d rather sit around all day on the dole than go and contribute something to society!” (without being able to give a single example of a person they know doing this).

The husband retired somewhere around his late fifties, and the wife never had a job in her life. Nothing wrong with either of those things, of course; but facking hell, hypocrite much?

It's the standard generational thing though, isn't it? Every older generation claims the younger ones are work shy. It's a bit like the Monty Python sketch.

It's something that has been aimed at Millenials for years, despite many of them working multiple jobs and longer hours than previous generations had to.

posted on 25/7/22

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 29 minutes ago
comment by Rosso out here drippin’ in finesse (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
Two of the most prolific grumblers I have ever met are a friend’s parents.

I have heard them wail I don’t know how many times that labour shortages have come about because “Young people don’t want to work!” and “They’d rather sit around all day on the dole than go and contribute something to society!” (without being able to give a single example of a person they know doing this).

The husband retired somewhere around his late fifties, and the wife never had a job in her life. Nothing wrong with either of those things, of course; but facking hell, hypocrite much?

It's the standard generational thing though, isn't it? Every older generation claims the younger ones are work shy. It's a bit like the Monty Python sketch.

It's something that has been aimed at Millenials for years, despite many of them working multiple jobs and longer hours than previous generations had to.

Hear this a lot from my parents / grandparents. They all did 12 hour shifts Monday - Saturday, workaholics the lot of them, so I come across as a bit work shy only doing 40 hours in a factory Same goes for gardening. Apparently the under 30's don't want or need gardens unlike the older generation.

posted on 25/7/22

comment by gone but never forgotten (U21659)
posted 15 hours, 11 minutes ago
Unless most of you missed it we live in democracy that means you ask the people what they want via a voting system then you adhere to the results.
So in my life time we will never go cap in hand to those euro bullies and extortionists asking for forgiveness, for actually having the nerve to want to determine our own future.

We shall fight them on the beaches

posted on 25/7/22

Never go back. Just ask Ronaldo.

posted on 25/7/22

Blue disabled badges?


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