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posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

Morning morning.

posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

Morning Mr Goonz

posted on 3/2/12

Morning geezas.

It is chilly but nothing major. After the week we have had already you just get used to it.

Its the fingers and toes that don't. Just hope it does not ice over or snow anytime soon.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 3/2/12



posted on 3/2/12

Just hope it does not ice over or snow anytime soon.
they said on the radio this morning snow for 'the east' - though if it was going to be london, i'm sure they would have said so. With the fact it's always a couple of degrees warmer in london than the surrounding area i wouldn't thought there'll be any yet....

posted on 3/2/12

Heres hoping. Not cycled in the snow yet and not really wanting to find out either.

posted on 3/2/12

I've just had to send the cleaner to the shop for me. i forgot to buy coffee!!

posted on 3/2/12


posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

We going to stuff Ivan Gizidis body parts in a blak bag and bury it iunder the pitch at the Emirates.

posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling. Not sure what happened there.

posted on 3/2/12

Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling. Not sure what happened there.
letting your inner teenager out

posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

I read on the bbc website they will put the bags on the empty seats to show the extent of the supporters dismay to the board.

posted on 3/2/12

I read something about putting a black bag over every empty seat? But I don't understand the purpose for doing that?
same here. all a bit pathetic. the sort of mentality that comes up with such things has to be wondered at.

I would laugh my bum off if they bagged a seat, then got kicked out for breaching fire safety regs or something

Surely the best way to protest would be to not go.... but they can't do that because they know that someone else will snap up their ticket and go and actually support the team - and they can't allow that. (because they're mongs)

posted on 3/2/12

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posted on 3/2/12

Meh, not bothered really.

Cannot be bothered with work today.

posted on 3/2/12

Coldest. no pants friday. ever.

posted on 3/2/12

You having a shrivelled day?

posted on 3/2/12

I have one of those everyday.

posted on 3/2/12

yeah an embaressing 9 inches today

posted on 3/2/12

Thats just hilarious!

I would die if mine was ever less than 12 inches!

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