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Another Suarevragate Article

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posted on 17/2/12

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posted on 17/2/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 17/2/12

If you don't want to be a part of the debate; I'm not asking you to bother reading it!

posted on 17/2/12

Are you going to continue this defence when he is sold in the summer.

posted on 17/2/12

Fred - you're wasting your time on reasoned arguments mate. The spanish inquisition has spoken and Luis must burn to atone for his sins.

Time to move on and leave the rest to the more mundane matters at hand like extra points for score draws and the like

posted on 17/2/12

This would have been solved if
(a) Suarez came out straight after the incident happened and admitted he didn’t know that the term was an offensive world in England and apologised to Evra for any offence caused. He has YET to apoligise to Evra directly.
(b) Shook his hand like a man instead of playing the victim card again.

can you really defend Suarez or your clubs actions?

posted on 17/2/12

(a) Suarez thought Evra was scrêwing him other, if Evra had as good a grasp of Spanish as has been made out, he would believe Evra understood what he meant but was trying to get him into trouble regardless.
(b) See above; I wouldn't shake the person's hand if that was my theory - although I wish he had.

Yes, I can defend Suarez, the club messed up a bit but I actually agree with the Uruguayans, Suarez is a subject of victimisation from this ridiculous country.

posted on 17/2/12

(b) Shook his hand like a man instead of playing the victim card again.

See everyone knows that Suarez was a scapegoat for some other Agenda, doesnt excuse what he said - Albeit a cultural faux-pas.

However the handshake thing in my opinion and the majority of fans here, is a non story. Evras reaction was what made the story.

posted on 17/2/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 17/2/12

You have to be one lazy person to not even give yourself a nickname on here.

posted on 17/2/12

Offence is open to the person’s interpretation and not by any laws or rules. I’m Irish and as such, during my time in England I have been called Paddy, Mick etc……it does't botter me

Now if someone from England called someone in Dublin ‘Paddy’ on a night out, I would be surprised if they weren’t knocked out.

So who’s the person at fault there?

The Englishman who might have called his Irish mates or work colleagues Paddy in England and didn’t know it was offensive or the Irishman for taking offensive to a derogatory term?

posted on 17/2/12

So who’s the person at fault there?


But you're assuming Suarez knew the racial implications of a word he had never known to be offensive

posted on 17/2/12

But you're assuming Suarez knew the racial implications of a word he had never known to be offensive
Suarez played in Holland for years. Are you telling me he was calling every black player he had a run in with 'negro' and they were ok with it? Is it only England that has a problem with this word?

Either Suarez is not the brightest or he know dam well what he was saying to Evra was offensive

posted on 17/2/12

Actually, most people speaking the language have criticised Englands handling of this case. So I guess in answer to your question - yes, England has a problem with other cultures and their language.

Your comment suggests Suarez must have had many run ins with black players.
Funny that nothing has ever come of any of those isn't it.

posted on 17/2/12

Or perhaps he spoke Dutch to other players and Spanish to other Spanish speaking players. It's clear as day he didn't realise how wed take it hence the shock.

This just points to the fact that many people who arent culturally ignorant understand what was meant and didn't overreact like Evra and the British public.

posted on 17/2/12

The Dutch are so laid back it's quite possible the use of the word was tolerated. We'll never know as none of his team mates or opponents ever complained about it and we don't know if he used the term there or not.

What we do know is what was attributed in the FA report to both Suarez and Evra. One said he used the term once in a non-racist way; the other said he used it 9 or 10 times, then 2 or 3 times, then some other number of times - all in a racist way. The FA went with the latter. Those of us who have read the report, including a lot of non-LFC fans, find it strange (to say the least) that the panel came to that conclusion.

Put it another way. I only discoverd a few years back that if in the USA you can offend some people if you say you need the t0il et (including this site it would appear). I was not aware of this but now go out of my way to use restroom instead. I did not know of this offensive use of the word as it's natural for me to use the word t0il 3t. Ditto for the word fanee which means different things to Americans and us. To say that Suarez should have known that a word he used in a totally diffent context at home would cause offence away from home is a nonsense.

posted on 17/2/12

To say that Suarez should have known that a word he used in a totally diffent context at home would cause offence away from home is a nonsense.


It relies on total ignorance

which is why those who continually bash Suarez are being put to the sword here

posted on 17/2/12

my final word on this..

I hope all the Liverpool fans who have suddenly become scholars overnight and have taken a keen interest in different worldwide cultures,customs and language can use this new found knowledge and be as understanding the next time one of their players is racially abused.

posted on 17/2/12

Correct me if I am wrong but did Evra not say that Suarez said one thing and Suarez says he said another? So why would or should Suarez come out after the incident and say that he did not know the term was offensive?

Evra changed his mind on what Suarez said (started with nig ger) and how many times he said it a number of times he said it. He also admitted himself that his Spanish was not that great yet still managed to (as he admitted) to insult Suarez in Spanish.

The only two people that really know what was said are Evra and Suarez as nobody else heard anything in the crowded box or anywhere else on the field where Evra says he said it 3,5,7,10 times. Suarez may have said 'because you are black' as Evra says but at the same time he could quite easily have said 'Porque, Negro' (why black person) as he stated in reply to something Evra said.

Suarez was found guilty on the basis of probability not proof (as there is none) because he admitted to using the word negro and the panel felt Evra's statement was more reliable.

Ok so he should not have used that word but did he know that in the way he states he used it that it would cause offence? Did he grow up in a country where using the word Negro is common place and not deemed offensive? Yes. Should he after living in Europe know not to use the word Negro? Perhaps, but he was playing in Holland where as far as I know they do not have a racism issue like we do. I am sure he probably used that word over there and unless he got told he should not use it why should he know not to over here? After all we are in Europe the same as Holland.

Both Evra and The FA said they do not think he is a racist and yet the media and the iSheep that follow them still say that he is a racist, why is that?

As for the handshake, well I would not shake the hand of the man I felt had been at the centre of the whole issue and who I believd lied about what was said etc. Had Evra kept his hand as extended and offered as he had done for the rest of the Liverpool team and he walked by then I would say he was an idiot and should have done it. The fact is Evra either hesitated as he did not know what Suarez would do which is why his hand was lowered and pulled towards him. Or as many of the conspiracy theorists say he knew what he was doing and he played Suarez a goodun. Maybe Suarez should have stopped and looked Evra in the eyes and held his hand out but why should he?

If I was Evra I would quite understand the hesitation in offering my hand as although both players had told their individual clubs that they would shake the clubs failed to talk to each other to ensure things went without issue.

Who is to blame for the handshake debacle? Evra? No. Suarez? No. LFC club officials, Man Utd club officials and The FA? Hell yes!

posted on 17/2/12

negrito is bad has now been brought to light so next time there is no excuse but some other variation will be excused.

posted on 17/2/12

what has sickened me to the core is the media en england have walloped suarez and liverpool over a very muddy situation.....of one word against another .....

yet john terry is on tv ...insulting anton ferdinand and nothings been said...its been all suarez the whole way

thats what sickens me....

posted on 17/2/12

I think those lambasting Suarez have now realised how many cracks and flaws there are in the case and their wild theories.

Hence they've all gone very quiet. If they were still convinced they were right then they'd continue to fight their cause.

Finally their eyes are open!

posted on 17/2/12

Evra is an utter maggot. That is all.

posted on 17/2/12

comment by Fred Bassett and Anfield Cat vs The World (U3979)
posted 16 minutes ago

I think those lambasting Suarez have now realised how many cracks and flaws there are in the case and their wild theories.


Or maybe they are fed up with it all.

At the end of the day, Suarez was found guilty, and it really is time for you to come to terms with it, instead of letting it eat you up.

posted on 17/2/12

comment by Robbing_Hoody (U6374)
posted 11 minutes ago

Evra is an utter maggot. That is all


Very poor Hoody, or are you really Nick Griffin?

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