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opinions on united when ferguson retires?

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posted on 13/3/12

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posted on 13/3/12

SAF is not lucky to have those players. He borught them into first team spotted them with scouts and saw the potential.

Every top club has the same chance to get these players but saf got it right on most occasions.

I think after saf we will conitnue to have success. Our team is changing completely so theold guard have been already replaced but we need back up after they retire.

Thats saf biggest quality as he builds a squad with the right characters and shows whose boss.

posted on 13/3/12

Your a Liverpool fan... jesus!

In regards to your points its hard to tell, we're certainly in better shape to continue success when Fergie goes compared to when Sir Matt left, but football is a funny old game and if i say i'm not worried i'd be lying.

Good points on your article, i imagine it was murder to types parts of it

posted on 13/3/12


It will all boil down to the character of the new man. When SAF does go, he will be leaving the club in excellent shape, so it is not imposible that the good times (bad from your POV) will continue.

Liverpool's downward spiral really started a couple of seasons before Kenny left. He was not buying young players to replace the old ones, but already proven older players. About two years after Kenny was gone Liverpool really had to start from scratch and they have never really recovered from this.

The same thing happened to us when Sir Matt retired, and SAF knows this more than anyone, which is why we keep seeing him buy young players.

I think we can safely say United will not appoint a manager who does not share SAF's philosophies.

posted on 13/3/12

He will never retire...never ever....

posted on 13/3/12

In answer to your question I despise liverpool.Good luck to everton tonight.

posted on 13/3/12

OP, this was the bit of your post that has seemed to irriitate people.

'as ive stated hes a superb mananger but has been lucky enough to have the likes of keane , nevilles,butt,scholes ,giggsy , keane,cantona ,peter s ,robson ,nani,ronaldo , rooney and others who are all rightly been there at the right time to help ferguson achieve the success he has'

None of that was luck.

posted on 13/3/12

comment by Rooneysmiles (U1347)

posted 2 minutes ago

He will never retire...never ever....


I saw an interview 83 year old F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone yesterday and they asked him what will happen when you go....

....his reponse... I dont plan on going anywhere!

Reminded me of Fergie!

He'll still be on the Utd bench at 100!!

posted on 13/3/12

I can't see it being mourinho, although obviously a very good manager he'd only want 3 seasons to massage his ego then want to be off to his next project, I think there's a lot in what VC says, fergie will be part of the appointment process and the right candidate will need to share fergie's long term plans for the club, moyes could be high on the list.

posted on 13/3/12


The two young Scottish managers who joined the prem this year are the two to look out for, IMO.

posted on 13/3/12

Alan Morgan
It does seem that way don't it...Good luck to him, and he will always be the lucky amulet!

posted on 13/3/12

Lambert has done an incredible job, especially staying up this year (which they look likely to do)

From League 1 to the the Premier League and staying there, top job!

But its such a risk nowadays picking a young manager for a top job, the pressure on Fergies replacement will be huge and he'll need to have very broad shoulders.

posted on 13/3/12

SAF will manage United from his death bed and depending when that is there might be technology that allows him to manage from his grave.

posted on 13/3/12

Batmanu, i've been wondering about that sort of technology for some time.

Alternativly I wonder if he could appear as a ghost, scaring players into performing better

posted on 13/3/12

Wow! that would be a grave situation.

posted on 13/3/12

he'll be ringing referees from his death bed STILL gettin all the decisions. THIS is what wins them titles

posted on 13/3/12

It'll be a shock to the system, of that there'll be no doubt, but it's not as if United are going to get relegated.

I seriously worry for the sanity of some of the United fans I know when he leaves, though. They always bang on about Ferguson being the best ever (an opinion they're perfectly entitled to), yet at the same time there are only a couple who accept that the next manager isn't going to spend two decades at the club, delivering a league title every other year.

They've also been brought up on a strict diet of Ferguson success (me and my friends are all around 25) and it shows sometimes, which will make it doubly hard for them to take when a mere mortal takes over and there are inevitably barren spells.

posted on 13/3/12

just as long as we don't end up with a double yolker like dalglish.

comment by Grumpy (U6778)

posted on 13/3/12

It will be a huge loss when SAF retires, but I'm pretty sure we will still be fighting for honors.

I'm old enough to remember the days of the Liverpool dominance (and their free fall), but I don't think United will do a Liverpool to be honest.

We might have a few years with no trophies, but that wont bother me to much. Nothing will ever be as bad as the 80s as long as I'm alive. I''m pretty sure about that. :P

posted on 13/3/12

Moyes as manager along with Ole as his number 2 and back room staff of Moyes men with Giggs and Scholes and all the regulars that here currently - think we would do really well.

posted on 13/3/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 13/3/12

ARAB - I missed you We're both back

posted on 13/3/12


comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 13/3/12

With the resources available to them I thought City would win the league easily. But since the weekend my money's on United. In my view City's squad is stronger but Fergie adds something that neither Mancini nor anyone else can. Fergie knows exactly what he needs to do to win it. The good news for City and the rest of the chasing pack is that when he goes it's going to be very hard to replace him. The problems replacing Scholes and Giggs will be nothing compared to the task of replacing the best manager around.

United (and Fergie) are in the enviable position of being 100% certain that he is the right man for the job. That certainty gives him the lattitude to take risks and experiment without fear of consequence. His successor will not be in the same position and a run of poor form could lead to the sort of dilemma that fans of all other clubs are well used to - do we stick or twist? I don't condone the Abramovic style of club ownership but how much leeway do you give someone when you only hope, rather than KNOW that they are the right man for the job?

posted on 13/3/12

A lot of the bell ends on here are obviously to young or too thick to know that there are one or two United supporters who have experienced bad times in the past as well as enjoying the blast that has been SAF at our club.
We are well aware that replacing the Dark Lord won't be easy but we'll just do it the United way - and get on with it.

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