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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 3951 of 4299

posted on 30/1/24

Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 49% (+8)
CON: 27% (+3)
LDM: 7% (-6)
GRN: 7% (-2)
RFM: 4% (-3)
SNP: 4% (+1)

Via @IpsosUK, 17-23 Jan.
Changes w/ 1-7 Dec.


posted on 30/1/24


Age will once again be a key factor in how people vote, and currently Labour are ahead among every age group except the over-70s

Labour / Tory vote by age group

18-24: 56% / 9%
25-29: 59% / 10%
30-39: 58% / 12%
40-49: 52% / 16%
50-59: 43% / 24%
60-69: 33% / 31%
70+: 23% / 43%

posted on 30/1/24

Education level is also a key factor in voting intention – the higher someone’s education qualifications are, the more likely they are to vote Labour/a left wing party

Low (GCSE or below): 36% Lab / 32% Con (+17% Ref UK)
Medium: 41% Lab / 25% Con
High (degree or above): 53% Lab / 14% Con

posted on 30/1/24

VAT on private schools supported by a majority of every demographic group except those who went to one or send their child to one.


Surprise surprise

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Black Hawk (U16342)
posted 2 hours, 41 minutes ago

You would need to look at a lot of data points, to even extrapolate that corruption correlates with immigration, let alone even make a point that it causes corruption.


Yeah well someone's done it, who's a bit more proficient than a matlab grunt


"If poorer immigrants carry unproductive social capital with them, we would expect to see that they increase the level of corruption.

The estimate on the initial stock (but not flow) in Table 6b supports this argument, suggesting that in the short run, immigration may increase corruption. However, as shown in Table 6a, the effects of immigration remain insignificant in the long run."

posted on 30/1/24

So yes, there is correlation between the short term increases in corruption and immigration from more corrupt countries


So that recent dip in the graph can well be explained by the fact that the shift in immigration away from EU countries

posted on 30/1/24

And now deary I'd like to see your robust mulitvariate analysis of:

"A huge drop in transparency that coincides with the hijacking of the conservative party leadership by the proven liar and the inept, self-interested pygmy."

posted on 30/1/24

IMF also forecast the UK economy will expand by a mere 0.6% in 2024- second slowest in the G7.

Russia? 2.6%


posted on 30/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 3 hours, 34 minutes ago
If people come here from countries in which corruption is part of its culture then our corruption levels are going to increase. It's not that hard to understand really
Which countries are these?

posted on 30/1/24

Corrupt ones

posted on 30/1/24

EU countries are significantly less corrupt than the African and Asian countries where the UK immigrants have been primarily coming from since that chart in the guardian link has been going downwards.

posted on 30/1/24

Also it's funny how Denmark had the largets ML scandal in history that makes the PPE one here look like peanuts but still perceived as relatively corruption free

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 3 minutes ago
You didn't want to assume my gender but you've clearly assumed my ethnicity, political leanings, cultural background, and Country of birth

Nah. I haven't assumed anything. You're just working on the assumption that a second generation immigrant can't be xenophobic. I don't agree with that and using you're logic from early in the thread; it's xenophobic to have that assumption.
The number of immigrants over here is quite high, but I'd say a very high %age of them are "shut the door behind them" types.

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 25 minutes ago
IMF also forecast the UK economy will expand by a mere 0.6% in 2024- second slowest in the G7.

Russia? 2.6%

How can that be brexit when Germany has the worst predicted growth

posted on 30/1/24

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 16 seconds ago

The number of immigrants over here is quite high, but I'd say a very high %age of them are "shut the door behind them" types.
Damning verdict on immigrants that

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
The IMF...pah! They're just WEF, NWO, EU, Soros funded, globalist elitist stooges that hate Britain and all it stands for....
I like the sound of these dudes.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 30/1/24

Its like Trump n his cronies complane of witch-hunt n targetting by guvmint n doj etc


That is whut they shud b doing

Protecting the country

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 16 seconds ago

The number of immigrants over here is quite high, but I'd say a very high %age of them are "shut the door behind them" types.
Damning verdict on immigrants that
As I say to Quebecois bigots:"Suck muh dyk."

posted on 30/1/24

So, immigration opens the door to Brexit and ushers into power all the degenerates and charlatans previously occupying the back seats in Westminster. And the fact that these people can't help but steal anything that isn't nailed down is also the immigrants fault?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/1/24

Sinn Feins Michelle O'Neill FINALLY taking up her post as NI First Minister, history in the making.

posted on 30/1/24

Have the DUP members been getting full pay while effectively on strike for ~2 years?

Funny how this comes up while everyone's talking about corruption

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/1/24

All members have been getting paid, they haven't been sitting and making decisions but, I assume, they'd still be doing their constituency work.

posted on 30/1/24




"We made a compromise proposal. In return, we were blackmailed by Brussels. The #Brussels blackmail manual was published in the
earlier this week. The cat is out of the bag. Forget about the rule of law, Hungary is blackmailed for having a it’s own opinion on #migration, the war in #Ukraine and #genderpropaganda. We will defend our interests. #Hungary cannot be blackmailed"

posted on 30/1/24

Hungary is free to leave the EU if it doesn’t want to be blackmailed and give back all of its money.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/1/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 9 minutes ago
Hungary is free to leave the EU if it doesn’t want to be blackmailed and give back all of its money.
Wasting your time talking FACT to Pekster, hardman Orban agreed to whatever it is he has agreed to and now he's claiming victim hood.

Page 3951 of 4299

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