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These 21 comments are related to an article called:

Joe Ansbro Breaks Neck

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posted on 27/8/12

If the intention is to imply that Henson is a wimp for only having a fractured cheek bone, when someone else has got a fractured neck, I think your sentiment is misplaced.

Although Henson has been his own worst enemy at times, his career has been beset by freak injuries and I for one sympthise with him as his latest attempt to resurect his career is grounded again by what appears to have been an act of malicious foul play.

Mocking him for the non life threatening nature of his injuries serves no useful purpose and does you no credit whatsoever, in my opinion.

posted on 27/8/12

that said, i also have enormous sympathy for the guy who has to be immobilised for 2 months. a shocking situation for anyone to be in.

posted on 27/8/12


Im 100% sure SARS didn't imply anything, seems to me hes reporting some news, and as its quiet these days there is not much else to talk about.

As for the rest of your comment about good ole GAV.... Seriously?

posted on 27/8/12

If I misinterpreted the comment then I apologise

posted on 28/8/12

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posted on 28/8/12

im not wumming here, but do you hope that henson doesnt make a quick recovery on the basis that you dont rate him ?

posted on 28/8/12

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posted on 28/8/12

fair enough.

personally i think he's a really talented player.

love the way he runs and he's strong as on ox.

a real wasted career imo.

posted on 29/8/12


not the greatest montage, but just wondered, would the first tackle on Allen be illegal now ?

posted on 29/8/12


A cat owner has said she believes her cat, called Teddy Bear, is the animal at the centre of the lion hunt in Essex.

Ginny Murphy, from St Osyth, said her cat regularly went hunting in the fields around the town.

Police have advised people to get back to normal after the hunt for the lion was called off. Two police helicopters were scrambled over St Osyth over the weekend but no trace of a big cat was found.

American Longhairs, are much larger than the average cat.

posted on 29/8/12

wrong thread

posted on 29/8/12


Yup, they sure got big pu$$ies in Essex.

posted on 29/8/12

posted on 29/8/12


You may know the answer to this, if you are up on wildlife.

At what point does a pu$$y become a beaver?

posted on 29/8/12

im going to have to pass on that one buddy

posted on 29/8/12

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posted on 29/8/12

what ? how the fk do i know ? it's a daft question.

posted on 29/8/12


It's a perfectly serious question. You come on here talking knowledgably about Essex pu$$ies. It a perfection natural thought process to ask you for your undoubted knowledge of the metamorphosis of the same into this other creature.

posted on 29/8/12

who is this ?

posted on 30/8/12


Who you calling ,

posted on 31/8/12

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