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The Last Of Us Thread (spoilers)

Page 14 of 35

posted on 10/4/14

That is a stupid idea.

posted on 11/4/14

Poor Joel

posted on 11/4/14


Worth a watch. A lot of aspects covered. So much effort put into the game.

posted on 11/4/14

Breaking Bad is the TV version of TLOU. Apparently the creator once had an hour discussion with the make up woman over what colour nails he wanted someone to have.

posted on 11/4/14

Bold statement.

posted on 11/4/14

Right statement.

posted on 11/4/14

"I had a friend who knew everything about this game."

posted on 11/4/14


posted on 11/4/14

Boy's diary. No pets allowed in the quarantine zone. Gadget

posted on 11/4/14

Forgive us.

posted on 12/4/14

Endure and survive.

Did the bookshop first time. Confident.

posted on 12/4/14

I went through all the conversations second time round. Funny and sad stuff.

posted on 12/4/14

I always try to get all the convos. Noticed the one in the music shop in Bill's town didn't trigger this time.

posted on 12/4/14

"People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. Too soon."

posted on 12/4/14

There's a good one where Joel describes to Ellie how the army killed people trying to get into quarantine zones. Which is what I think the forgive us card is.

posted on 12/4/14

Just about to do the bit in the hotel with the hunters. Killed three of them silently with arrows. Brilliant.

posted on 12/4/14

"Yes, I have surprised you....what a brilliant joke"

posted on 12/4/14

Facking hate this bit in the dark with the generator and all the infected comin at ya

posted on 12/4/14

Heard yer ma was in that basement

posted on 12/4/14

Ya heard wrong.

Went up to the keycard door first and their are stalkers. Not sure if that means there's just the bloater when I turn the generator on.

posted on 12/4/14

There were more, but only three stalkers and a bloater. No match for molotovs and a shotgun. Think I could've run but forgot to actually get the keycard first which was an error.

posted on 12/4/14

Heard yer ma's new diets not been working


posted on 12/4/14

Knew it'd be a bloater. Clicked it anyway.

posted on 13/4/14


posted on 14/4/14

"He's píssed, but he's not gonna do anything."

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