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A Galaxy Far Far Away......

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posted on 18/4/23

comment by Cinciwolf----Old Trafford record attendance.....WOLVES V GRIMSBY. .......lolz (U11551)
posted 3 minutes ago
string is back
Hey Bud good to be back.
Apologies, it’s just dawned on me how that must’ve looked at you lots end.
I know some days have passed, but I really didn’t think about it, had no time really.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 19/4/23


posted on 19/4/23

Oh aye forgot to talk about last weeks predictions that I got right or kinda right.

Said they would kill off of the big characters. said that they will make armour out IG11 for Grogu (kinda happened), said that Moth will have Beskar suit.
For that last episode that wasnt too shabby at all to be fair.

posted on 19/4/23

ps String .... GTF !

posted on 19/4/23

comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 hours, 59 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
Predictions for the finale:
-Din dies
-Gideon dies
-Armourer is a double agent
-Bo rides the Mythosaur and saves Mandalore
-Grogu defeats the elite guards
-Imperial ships attack Mandalore but Han and a fleet of republic ships save them.
-Final scene is Grogu and the Mandos mourning Din.
-Post credit scene is Thrawn making an appearance.

Ok, don’t really have a clue where they are going, except for retconning the Sequels..
So, my prediction is that. Amourer is the Spy.
I believe Amourer is Death Watch/Mauldalorian. She is working for Gideon cos in those tanks he walked past.. it’s the clone of Darth Maul!! Boom!!
And Armourer will instantly bow down at the thought of serving Maul again.
Come on, the scenes in certain episodes, are all paying homage to The Phantom Menace, and Maul references.
There have been hints at a Maul like cult but to actually bring him back, even as a clone,would be hugely disappointing. His story ended perfectly in Rebels. It would be like episode 9 and the Emperor all over again.
Maul deserves better than dieing on a kids TV show.

posted on 19/4/23

Ep 8 - 7.5/10. Its good, but felt underwhelmed, cos that’s it. Just feels we got caught in something messy.

Season 3 - 6/10

posted on 19/4/23

not watched it but yeah this season imo hasnt been bad quality wise, but more so story wise it feel like a lot of time was wasted/series is to short, 25 min episodes dont help

posted on 19/4/23

As a whole before I watch the last episode.

Its 5/10 at best, its average, ok nothing more nothing less.

As a fan of Mandalorian .... its a 4/10 at best, below average.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 19/4/23

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 1 minute ago
As a whole before I watch the last episode.

Its 5/10 at best, its average, ok nothing more nothing less.

As a fan of Mandalorian .... its a 4/10 at best, below average.
I'd go along with this so far, having not seen the last episode yet either.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 19/4/23

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 2 hours, 8 minutes ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 hours, 59 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
Predictions for the finale:
-Din dies
-Gideon dies
-Armourer is a double agent
-Bo rides the Mythosaur and saves Mandalore
-Grogu defeats the elite guards
-Imperial ships attack Mandalore but Han and a fleet of republic ships save them.
-Final scene is Grogu and the Mandos mourning Din.
-Post credit scene is Thrawn making an appearance.

Ok, don’t really have a clue where they are going, except for retconning the Sequels..
So, my prediction is that. Amourer is the Spy.
I believe Amourer is Death Watch/Mauldalorian. She is working for Gideon cos in those tanks he walked past.. it’s the clone of Darth Maul!! Boom!!
And Armourer will instantly bow down at the thought of serving Maul again.
Come on, the scenes in certain episodes, are all paying homage to The Phantom Menace, and Maul references.
There have been hints at a Maul like cult but to actually bring him back, even as a clone,would be hugely disappointing. His story ended perfectly in Rebels. It would be like episode 9 and the Emperor all over again.
Maul deserves better than dieing on a kids TV show.

Can't agree with this. Rebels is great in terms of developing the SW story and is becoming increasingly relevant to the live action stories.

The Maul arc on Rebels was brilliant. Manipulating a young jedi to gain access to Kenobi to feed the obsession for revenge. And when they met it was clear Maul was obsessed with OB1 but OB1 has long since moved on. And then the skills difference showed immediately.

In fairness, I pretty much dismissed Rebels as a kids show when I watched series 1. But my kid had just been born so there was lots of middle of the night walking around to get him back to sleep so I ended up watching a lot of them. Very glad I did, it gets very, very good.

posted on 19/4/23

great episode. really was, needed to be longer.

for all I have criticised season 3 some of the shots and cinematics have been epic for tv show just next level.

And no matter what people may think , and how they sometimes groan or say its forced or in this season missing ! but the grogu / mando relationship and pairing is still easily the best thing about the show and the real heart of it. They have focused elsewhere this season and when they come back to it its still the strongest part of the show.

I will be gutted if its the end of the road on the show for them two.

posted on 19/4/23

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 5 minutes ago
great episode. really was, needed to be longer.

for all I have criticised season 3 some of the shots and cinematics have been epic for tv show just next level.

And no matter what people may think , and how they sometimes groan or say its forced or in this season missing ! but the grogu / mando relationship and pairing is still easily the best thing about the show and the real heart of it. They have focused elsewhere this season and when they come back to it its still the strongest part of the show.

I will be gutted if its the end of the road on the show for them two.
I doubt it will be the end of the show, but it might go back to being largely singular western style episodes rather than a huge overarching story. With cameos in other shows.

Season 3 has been great for the greater storyline.

posted on 19/4/23

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 5 minutes ago
great episode. really was, needed to be longer.

for all I have criticised season 3 some of the shots and cinematics have been epic for tv show just next level.

And no matter what people may think , and how they sometimes groan or say its forced or in this season missing ! but the grogu / mando relationship and pairing is still easily the best thing about the show and the real heart of it. They have focused elsewhere this season and when they come back to it its still the strongest part of the show.

I will be gutted if its the end of the road on the show for them two.
I doubt it will be the end of the show, but it might go back to being largely singular western style episodes rather than a huge overarching story. With cameos in other shows.

Season 3 has been great for the greater storyline.
Great for the broader storyline *

posted on 19/4/23

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 5 minutes ago
great episode. really was, needed to be longer.

for all I have criticised season 3 some of the shots and cinematics have been epic for tv show just next level.

And no matter what people may think , and how they sometimes groan or say its forced or in this season missing ! but the grogu / mando relationship and pairing is still easily the best thing about the show and the real heart of it. They have focused elsewhere this season and when they come back to it its still the strongest part of the show.

I will be gutted if its the end of the road on the show for them two.
I doubt it will be the end of the show, but it might go back to being largely singular western style episodes rather than a huge overarching story. With cameos in other shows.

Season 3 has been great for the greater storyline.
It might be the end of Mando and Grogu in the show however. they could end up just walking into the distance to do their own thing perhaps showing up now and then, or they could be the focus again moving forward on their weekly adventures. Creating their own entirely different stories and storylines.

Season 3 IMO told zero story for 70% of the season, and then rammed a lot into 3 episodes especially.

The last 2 episodes could easily have lasted 4, 45mins episodes.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 19/4/23

So he doesn't die then

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 19/4/23

comment by T-SaliBAG (U11806)
posted 2 minutes ago
So he doesn't die then
Yeah I did think this reading those comments

posted on 19/4/23

comment by T-SaliBAG (U11806)
posted 4 minutes ago
So he doesn't die then
cmon man if he died there is no way you wouldnt have found out ! no way at all !!

posted on 19/4/23

apologies tho... ill just shut up!

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 19/4/23

I can't believe he died and who is covering it up!

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 19/4/23

All good, didn't think he would. Although sounds like it's a different ending to the one I was leaning towards in my head.

posted on 19/4/23

comment by T-SaliBAG (U11806)
posted 3 seconds ago
All good, didn't think he would. Although sounds like it's a different ending to the one I was leaning towards in my head.
Aww did you have the padame & leah three way optimism the same as me?!

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 19/4/23

posted on 19/4/23

They ain't gonna kill a popular character anyway.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 19/4/23

Not when they can still give him a new hat and sell billions in merch

posted on 19/4/23

comment by Cinciwolf----Old Trafford record attendance.....WOLVES V GRIMSBY. .......lolz (U11551)
posted 9 minutes ago
They ain't gonna kill a popular character anyway.
they will if they cant agree a deal with him !

Didnt think they could spend more time on Bo this season than Din......

didnt think OB1 wouldnt be awful !

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