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Game of Thrones - Finale (Spoilers)

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posted on 29/8/17

Hmm thought the obvious part with sansa and arya was very good, very well done, but bar that, a bit of a pointless season just building narrative and rolling along.

Could have done a 12 episode season instead of 2 whole seasons imo.

posted on 29/8/17

They've left a whole lot of plotlines stretching to all corners of the supposed world to be wrapped up in 6 episodes. Expecting even more time travel/teleporting next season.

posted on 29/8/17

Bit bored of the Cersei stuff now, wish Jamie would just end her. As if any of them would trust her anyway if they do more fool them, not that they can do much about it as the threat is north.

I liked the Sansa Arya stuff showing how much they've learnt from their harsh lessons etc just as we all thought little finger was getting his way with Sansa again. Though i kind of sensed it coming because i'd have been hugely disappointed is Sansa learnt nothing of Little Finger and let him manipulate her against her own sister after all shes been through with him etc.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 29/8/17

one of the best episodes ever

posted on 29/8/17

I read the spoilers for the entire season from episode 1 - 7 back in January so the season wasn't as enjoyable. Gonna stay the hell away from spoilers for next season as it was stupid of me to ruin it.

Did enjoy the series. I understand people's frustrations about how fast everyone travellled which peaked in episode 6 as Gendry ran like Bolt to Eastwatch but it's a TV show with zombies and dragons so can't complain too much.

The thing that bothered me most was the fact that the whole kingdom knows the wall was built to keep the walkers out so why did no one at the big summit yesterday say 'why should we be worried about them, we have a magical wall'?

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 29/8/17

I felt by cutting it to only 7 episodes has cheapened it. Sure there was loads of action but as the op states - it's at it's best when using the depth the characters have. It could have easily provided enough material for 12/13 episodes and maintained the standard of previous seasons.

And why do the key characters keep pumping their relatives?

posted on 29/8/17

Why would you continue reading spoilers for a whole fackin series

You're like my missus who reads celeb magazines and knows whats gonna be happening in the soaps before she's even watched it.

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 29/8/17

comment by Robb Lukaku (U21234)
posted 2 minutes ago
I read the spoilers for the entire season from episode 1 - 7 back in January so the season wasn't as enjoyable. Gonna stay the hell away from spoilers for next season as it was stupid of me to ruin it.

Did enjoy the series. I understand people's frustrations about how fast everyone travellled which peaked in episode 6 as Gendry ran like Bolt to Eastwatch but it's a TV show with zombies and dragons so can't complain too much.

The thing that bothered me most was the fact that the whole kingdom knows the wall was built to keep the walkers out so why did no one at the big summit yesterday say 'why should we be worried about them, we have a magical wall'?
They all know that they've neglected the Night's Watch for generations and any real challenge would see it over run.

posted on 29/8/17

The lack of character development and 'filler' episodes is because they're not working from GRRM's writing anymore.

posted on 29/8/17

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 2 minutes ago
Why would you continue reading spoilers for a whole fackin series

You're like my missus who reads celeb magazines and knows whats gonna be happening in the soaps before she's even watched it.

I know

It was stupid. I read one episode of spoilers. Then another. Then the whole thing.

Regretted it immediately and will never do it again.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 29/8/17

A great finale. I was relieved Sansa and Arya were playing Littlefinger, as it had me worried they might genuinely have been written very stupidly in the previous episode.

The Theon going to rescue Yara subplot looks kind of irrelevant and pointless at this stage given the large scale threat from the WW, unless it has some bearing on that eventually.

Looking forward to a huge battle or battles to come and the near conclusion. Just a shame we supposedly have to wait so long for it.

posted on 29/8/17

I'm very excited to see Jaime go up north and swap sides. He's by a country mile my favourite character and I want to see him, Tyrion , the Hound and Bronn go on a mission to fack up stuff.

posted on 29/8/17

I think I need to watch this again because I thought it was awful. I had put it down to the fact I was a book-reader, but a lot of book-readers have said it was good too!

I think I was just annoyed at the fact that every big reveal (LF; R+L= legitimate J; the wall) was painfully obvious (to me) from earlier in the season.

I really liked the first 30 minutes or so in KL. I was a little hyped for Clegane-bowl and disappointed we didn't see that, tbh. I thought the scene where Jaime leaves and snow swoops down across KL was brilliant, although it was scarily reminiscent of the Lady Stoneheart stuff in the books which is NOT going to happen, but I just can't seem to let it die.

Also, something that shouldn't have, but really did, get to me was the fact that the actress in the Tower of Joy flashback CANNOT SAY AEGON 😡😡😤😤😤

posted on 29/8/17

It kinda annoyed me that Rhaegar looked far too much like Vyseris as well.

They cast a new actor for it and yet he was made to look just like the most unliveable character ever.

posted on 29/8/17

I can't make my mind up whether I loved it or whether I want to love it because I love the show so much.

It's definitely felt a little rushed this series I don't think anyone can disagree. The previous seasons felt like they developed at a good pace where as way too much has happened in just 7 episodes this time around. It seems like everything just happened literally in a few days.

Still fantastic though and one of best TV shows of all time for me but it's not perfect by any means. Rumors the release of the final 6 (80 minute long) episodes could be put back as far as Easter 2019 as well.

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 29/8/17

comment by Robb Lukaku (U21234)
posted 43 seconds ago
It kinda annoyed me that Rhaegar looked far too much like Vyseris as well.

They cast a new actor for it and yet he was made to look just like the most unliveable character ever.
Was annoying but not as annoying as that cant Sheerin appearing earlier. The lowest point in the series.

posted on 29/8/17

Thought last week was really rushed and I can't understand why the most eventful season yet is also the shortest. Had it been spread over the usual 10 episodes, it could have been up there with the very best seasons. Hopefully we'll get 90 minute episodes in season 8.

But I still think it's been a very good season, and the finale was superb. The Baelish death scene, the Jaime leaving scene and the Jon reveal scene were all great, not often you get three game-changing scenes back-to-back like that. I like the big battle sequences but it's the character moments that made it such a great show, and continue to do so.

posted on 29/8/17

They've cut the series episode count down because of how much the cast get paid so it's a sneaky way to save money. It costs $10 million to make each episode so I think they think they can make fewer episodes and make them events rather than stretch it out

posted on 29/8/17

comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 11 minutes ago
A great finale. I was relieved Sansa and Arya were playing Littlefinger, as it had me worried they might genuinely have been written very stupidly in the previous episode.

The Theon going to rescue Yara subplot looks kind of irrelevant and pointless at this stage given the large scale threat from the WW, unless it has some bearing on that eventually.

Looking forward to a huge battle or battles to come and the near conclusion. Just a shame we supposedly have to wait so long for it.

I thought that about Theon

Never liked him and wondered myself why they're dragging his story out so much.

But having the 1000 ships seems to be a massive part of the battle, so surely will have some bearing

posted on 29/8/17

It looks like it's set up so Jon Snow/ Aegon Targaryen will be riding the Dragon named after his father....

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/8/17

This series was shocking in comparison to the others - But, last night's episode redeemed it somewhat.

My main problem throughout was that characters were acting in ways which simply didn't fit with the six series of prior development. Episode 7 allowed characters to revert back to that back story - None more so than Cersei.

posted on 29/8/17

There is a little Easter egg in the book which explains why Jon went off to fight the walkers rather than get on the dragon with the rest of the magnificent 7 in episode 6

Apparently once you've ridden one dragon you can't ride another so bad he gotten onto Drogon he couldn't have ridden dragon #2

posted on 29/8/17

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 11 minutes ago
A great finale. I was relieved Sansa and Arya were playing Littlefinger, as it had me worried they might genuinely have been written very stupidly in the previous episode.

The Theon going to rescue Yara subplot looks kind of irrelevant and pointless at this stage given the large scale threat from the WW, unless it has some bearing on that eventually.

Looking forward to a huge battle or battles to come and the near conclusion. Just a shame we supposedly have to wait so long for it.

I thought that about Theon

Never liked him and wondered myself why they're dragging his story out so much.

But having the 1000 ships seems to be a massive part of the battle, so surely will have some bearing
Don't usually care about Theon, but I thought his fight scene was a nice redemptive moment. Hopefully that'll be the end of his PTSD now.

posted on 29/8/17

I'm so utterly fed up of the Oedipal love storylines. Seriously, can't they find something else to get the audience talking?

posted on 29/8/17

The ending looked pretty strange, just one dragon freezing an already frozen wall and it just crumbles and that's that.

Would have like to have seen the dragon freezing the wall and the giants going to work on it etc and a bit of a battle.

Has tormund died now?

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