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Oh Canada

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posted on 17/10/18

comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 1 minute ago
ginger downing 10 shots of vodka and then starting fights with everyone in the bar while screaming about how damaging weed is

Trust me. That’s not me. I’m a happy drunk 😵

posted on 17/10/18


I think the main thing is whatever drug it is you talk about it is going to be bad for you.

Alcohol and tobacco are legal. Why? Because it's licensed. How much do they cost the country health wise?

If you were to eat cannabis in moderate amounts it would do you zero harm. Zero. It might make you want to pick up a guitar or go eat pizza but that's about it.

Excessive use of anything is always going to be harmful.

I've known plenty of people that have smoked it for decades without any issues whatsoever. In fact I don't think I've ever known anyone to have had any problems with it ever.

Whereas I've known plenty of alkies and have had many friends, neighbours and family that have had either died from or had serious health issues through alcohol and smoking.

It's a no brainer for me to license it and for the state to make it safer and make lots of money through it.

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

“Despite there obvious and well known long term effects, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar etc.. are all deemed by society as acceptable drugs, cannabis is not, rightly or wrongly that is the situation”

It won’t be once it’s legalised....

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 1 minute ago
The argument of comparing weed to alcohol doesn't stand up tbh.

I've heard this same argument for years and in just about every occasion its pot smokers who jump right on this comparison at the first available opportunity.

Despite there obvious and well known long term effects, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar etc.. are all deemed by society as acceptable drugs, cannabis is not, rightly or wrongly that is the situation.

To start to put extra taxation on the drugs we seem acceptable such as the minimum price on alcohol and the sugar tax and argue that we should legalise cannabis makes no sense.

To an under strain NHS from the problems associated with alcohol, tobacco, sugar, why add another one to the list.

You aren't adding anything on to "the list"

People already smoke cannabis in their hundreds of thousands. The health effects are already being dealt with in the NHS without the funding from a cannabis tax.

As previously stated.. it's been proven that cannabis use drops after legalisation, so again you'd have less users who need health treatments while also earning money from tax.

Also improves quality of the drug, again reducing health issues.

Also reduces the size of the black market, reducing the current millions of pounds of income that goes directly into the hands of organised crime gangs.

posted on 17/10/18

Didn’t realise Portugal had legalised all drugs

That’s next years holiday sorted

posted on 17/10/18

Does anyone actually trust a government to use the taxation from something like this to assist in dealing with any fall out?

I don’t

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 1 minute ago
ginger downing 10 shots of vodka and then starting fights with everyone in the bar while screaming about how damaging weed is
Which night out were you at?
private function mate. just the 2 of us


You should come up for one of our infamous nights out.

It’s an education.

posted on 17/10/18

Imagine how much bumming would go on if they legalised being gay. People would immediately go from zero bumming to loads of bumming. But at what cost?!

posted on 17/10/18

Portugal decriminalised drugs, not legalised.

The two are subtly different.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by _Viva_Vida (U6044)
posted 45 seconds ago
Portugal decriminalised drugs, not legalised.

The two are subtly different.

Ah right. Oh well, Amsterdam again it is


posted on 17/10/18

comment by Dominic Shimmin (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
Imagine how much bumming would go on if they legalised being gay. People would immediately go from zero bumming to loads of bumming. But at what cost?!

The ribbons of your rse with any luck.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
Does anyone actually trust a government to use the taxation from something like this to assist in dealing with any fall out?

I don’t
Anyone that trusts any government to do the right thing at any time is a mug so that's a moot point.

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

comment by rats juice smothercunt (U6393)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
Does anyone actually trust a government to use the taxation from something like this to assist in dealing with any fall out?

I don’t
Anyone that trusts any government to do the right thing at any time is a mug so that's a moot point.

Not when it’s being used as an argument for legalisation.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 21 seconds ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.

It will be the Glasgow Uni type w@nkers that try and push it in Scotland.

posted on 17/10/18

I find it tragically hilarious that the past few Governments have had no moral issues selling arms to questionable regimes, which have led to innocent children being blown up.. yet balk at the idea of me enjoying a couple of bongs on my sofa.

Not to mention ignoring the drugs chiefs/tsars advice on drugs, despite them being experts in the field.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Dominic Shimmin (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
Imagine how much bumming would go on if they legalised being gay. People would immediately go from zero bumming to loads of bumming. But at what cost?!

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by rats juice smothercunt (U6393)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
Does anyone actually trust a government to use the taxation from something like this to assist in dealing with any fall out?

I don’t
Anyone that trusts any government to do the right thing at any time is a mug so that's a moot point.

Not when it’s being used as an argument for legalisation.
The money raised would at some point be used to treat any fallout as it would boost the country's tax significantly, therefore it can only be a win win.

Why do you think there's such a domino effect in the US? They're not decriminalising it out of the goodness of their hearts. They're making billions from it.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by _Viva_Vida (U6044)
posted 6 minutes ago
Portugal decriminalised drugs, not legalised.

The two are subtly different.

I'd be happy with it being decriminalised here.

It would mean I could grow my own, save myself some money and also give myself a hobby in the process.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 4 minutes ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.

Oh it’s happening . No doubt about it .

It would surprise you who smokes weed . This whole stereotype of lazy messy bums is in no way accurate.

Well apart from jukebox!

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 5 minutes ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.
Well that's just nonsense 😂

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Ibrox Elite - Let’s go (U5255)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 4 minutes ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.

Oh it’s happening . No doubt about it .

It would surprise you who smokes weed . This whole stereotype of lazy messy bums is in no way accurate.

Well apart from jukebox!
Normally I'd dispute such a slur, but I can'

posted on 17/10/18

comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by _Viva_Vida (U6044)
posted 6 minutes ago
Portugal decriminalised drugs, not legalised.

The two are subtly different.

I'd be happy with it being decriminalised here.

It would mean I could grow my own, save myself some money and also give myself a hobby in the process.

Horticulture courses at college would never be so popular !

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