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Oh Canada

Page 7 of 16

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 7 minutes ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.
What a lazy, pointless pile of schite

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by Dominic Shimmin (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
Imagine how much bumming would go on if they legalised being gay. People would immediately go from zero bumming to loads of bumming. But at what cost?!

my private function with ginger was illegal this whole time!?

Wheesht man ffs 😂

I have a reputation to uphold

Anyways. Work calls. Later all.

posted on 17/10/18

Coke is the drug that would bring the most benefits to the economy if made legal. More coked up stockbrokers is going to be more productive than having more stoned goths.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 26 minutes ago
ginger downing 10 shots of vodka and then starting fights with everyone in the bar while screaming about how damaging weed is
Wait a minute....you're at it mate. You've clearly been to a night out. Spill!

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
comment by Greatteamswinit4times- a terrible enemy (U6008)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by Greatteamswinit4times- a terrible enemy (U6008)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Greatteamswinit4times- a terrible enemy (U6008)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 6 minutes ago
Stupid fwcking thing to do.

What about all the long term health care costs yet to come as a result of this. And let’s not kid on there won’t be social issues and criminality any more.

Ridiculous and monstrous decision.

Yeah, cos nobody used cannabis before it was legal.

Nobody claimed they didn’t 🤔

Do you think all the issues caused by taking it will now disappear and Canada will just reap loads of tax benefits?

Don’t you think there might be new issues to face?

I don't think that usage will increase to the level that it costs the health care more than the billions it will bring in on a yearly basis....not even close.

I genuinely wouldn’t know the answer to that other than the Dutch are still counting the cost and there are numerous studies showing the hidden costs in lowers literacy rates and a drop in academic standards whose effect is yet to be realised.

I believe many areas in Holland have changed their laws significantly around the myth that you can just wander up to a shop and buy it.

Well they haven't. And the only thing that even comes close to what you are saying is that coffee shops aren't allowed within a certain distance of schools now. That had nothing to do with literacy rates. Lets not forget that weed is illegal in Holland. Coffee shops have a weird technical work around that is mainly about bringing in tourists. It isn't even close to being comparable to what Canada have done, in terms of the money that weed will bring in to the economy.

Have a read through the reports I’ve put up.
What exactly does a "Cocaine War" have to do with marijuana?

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 1 second ago
comment by Arsenal FC - 2018/19 Premier League Champions (U3245)
posted 26 minutes ago
ginger downing 10 shots of vodka and then starting fights with everyone in the bar while screaming about how damaging weed is
Wait a minute....you're at it mate. You've clearly been to a night out. Spill!
Sorry...someone beat me to it.

Anyway...this is basically the stoners on here campaigning to get what they want.

Fact is that cannabis and the like should be completely banned with lifetime sentences for those caught in possession. That would soon calm it down. Legalhighsation my erse.

posted on 17/10/18

Aye drugs are for mugs.

I'm away for a bottle of buckie before I head home, tan that 3 litre bottle of schite cider before I kick the dug an batter the wife.

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

comment by rats juice smothercunt (U6393)
posted 3 minutes ago
Aye drugs are for mugs.

I'm away for a bottle of buckie before I head home, tan that 3 litre bottle of schite cider before I kick the dug an batter the wife.
You need to consider your lifestyle mate and be more like me.

Kick the wife and batter the dug.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by rats juice smothercunt (U6393)
posted 3 minutes ago
Aye drugs are for mugs.

I'm away for a bottle of buckie before I head home, tan that 3 litre bottle of schite cider before I kick the dug an batter the wife.
You need to consider your lifestyle mate and be more like me.

Kick the wife and batter the dug.
I might just get stoned though and have a love in with both.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by atheist (U2783)
posted 56 minutes ago
Is there any way the harmful side which causes mental health problems can be removed? If not, then I'd be against as I've seen the devastating consequences it can lead to.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 53 minutes ago
* legalising a frog?


I’m going to take this drug up
Pourquoi pas?

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Ibrox Elite - Let’s go (U5255)
posted 38 minutes ago
comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 4 minutes ago
It wont be legalised in Scotland IE, no appetite for it and those who are keen to see it legalised can't be ersed organising themselves as they are too lazy to get aff the couch as they are stoned.

Oh it’s happening . No doubt about it .

It would surprise you who smokes weed . This whole stereotype of lazy messy bums is in no way accurate.

Well apart from jukebox!
Haw #metoo.
Less than 3 hours 'til the shop opens.

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 5 seconds ago
I hope its never legalised in Scotland, don't want my kids to be waster stoners or worse end up in a mental health institute with long term cannabis problems.

I can certainly teach them how to drink, and cope with it without being dependent or violent with alcohol.

It's only ever waste of space stoners who get all in a fuss over this legalisation issue, as if it being legal will justify their dependence on it and have it viewed as an illness like alcoholism instead of just being junkie wasters.
Correct lex

Every word a sermon in itself.

posted on 17/10/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/10/18

Speaking from experience the consequences can be pretty shocking for a young adult that smokes weed, effecting their education and attitude to regular daily life, causing strain on relationships with parents too. I was gonna clean my room until I got high, I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high.

posted on 17/10/18

Junkie wasters? = Alkie wasters?
A wasters a waster fur aw that.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 6 minutes ago
Junkie wasters? = Alkie wasters?
A wasters a waster fur aw that.
Agreed ...but not all people who drink alcohol are alkie wasters

posted on 17/10/18

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 6 minutes ago
Junkie wasters? = Alkie wasters?
A wasters a waster fur aw that.
Agreed ...but not all people who drink alcohol are alkie wasters
Nor are all people who smoke weed.

Plenty of money to be made in cannabis stocks.

posted on 17/10/18

Anyone thinking this is a bad idea is very stupid

posted on 17/10/18

comment by lexballielegend (U8325)
posted 22 minutes ago
I hope its never legalised in Scotland, don't want my kids to be waster stoners or worse end up in a mental health institute with long term cannabis problems.

I can certainly teach them how to drink, and cope with it without being dependent or violent with alcohol.

It's only ever waste of space stoners who get all in a fuss over this legalisation issue, as if it being legal will justify their dependence on it and have it viewed as an illness like alcoholism instead of just being junkie wasters.
Complete nonsense

posted on 17/10/18

I know someone who has tried weed and they actually have a job.

Also mental health is just a myth created by left wing groups as an excuse for being wimps.

posted on 17/10/18

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 1 minute ago
Anyone thinking this is a bad idea is very stupid
Yeah they just need to chill out maaaaannn

posted on 17/10/18

I was gonna clean my room until I got high, I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high.

That would make a good song.

Smells like a hit to me......

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