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Sergei Milinkovic-Savic

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comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 26/7/19

I think he'd be the "CM, B2B" of the three. Can't keep up with all the terms for the same position these days.

So he possibly could be played alongside both Pog and Matic.

If we could sell Pogba to fund both Fernandes & SMS, I'd be well up for that.

Although I'm quite excited to see McTominay in the CM role. I think he has a lot of attributes we need in the team right now.

posted on 26/7/19

Yeah but that was a lazy comparison because they were both big and black. SMS and Pogba do have similar playing styles, hence the comparison.

posted on 26/7/19

We're playing a 4231 formation and in that SMS and McT could play the 2 with Pogba as the middle in the 3.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - Ole's joy squids (U2958)
posted 18 minutes ago

Add Fernandes to Pogba and you don’t simply add his goals and assists to the bottom line.
That this even needs saying is amazing. In fact, adding Fernandes in any capacity will almost certainly see a fall away in stats due to the quality leap you mentioned.

The guy is a potentially huge talent, but it is still potential until we see him in a big league.

I don't think that it does need explaining. Mike was just saying that we need more goals from midfield and Fernandes offers that.
Not targeting Mike specifically , just there seems to be a lot of over excitement about Fernandes and his stats. The Portuguese league is really poor right now. I actually would love him signed, but I don't think he'd greatly improve our overall stats as Pogba would have to drop back, nullifying him (an experienced PL goal scorer).

posted on 26/7/19

Pogba could still take pens, to be fair.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
Yeah SMS does look a bit immobile, and we’ve already got one immobile Serbian plodding around the midfield.

He’s obviously a talented player but I’ve not got the hype with him.

If we sign him, people will be calling him Milinkovic-Matic after a couple of games.

posted on 26/7/19

Put it this way:

If Fernandes signed with Pogba still about, we’d have a goal-scoring number eight in the side scoring goals, and a second goal-scoring number eight playing in a deeper role - one which wouldn’t best use the talents of the player - and who won’t be scoring goals. The weak link will still be at DM.

If SMS signed with Pogba still about, Pogba would play at eight, and he’d continue to deliver goals and assists. We’d have an immediate upgrade box-to-box, a role which wry obviously better suits SMS’s game than those of Fernandes or Pogba. McT at DM would be more tenable because he’d get better support from SMS than he would from either Fernandes or Pogba.

For me, Fernandes might be the better player. But SMS is closer to what we actually need. He’d improve us more than Fernandes, all things being equal.

Really, what we need is a top drawer, specialist DM, rather than trying to fix problems we don’t really have (or at least far less significant problems). In midfield, Pogba should be locked in at eight, and one of McT - the best player on the pitch against Spurs and improving all the time - and Pereira - also having a very strong preseason - should be in box to box. The problem really is who anchors.

And it amazes me that I keep reading, “Our forwards don’t score much, so we need more goals from midfield.”

That’s like saying, “My car keeps breaking down so I’m going to try to improve my mobility by investing in an expensive new bicycle.”

Here’s a revelatory idea: Why don’t we try to get the forwards firing properly?! How about that?!

posted on 26/7/19

Would Savic and McT work as a 2 man midfield, both playing box to box roles? Leaving Pogba to be able to play in front of them in the 3?

posted on 26/7/19

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 11 minutes ago
We're playing a 4231 formation and in that SMS and McT could play the 2 with Pogba as the middle in the 3.

Pogba has only played for us in behind the striker a couple of times, for good reason.

Last time he played there he was diabolical.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 22 seconds ago
Would Savic and McT work as a 2 man midfield, both playing box to box roles? Leaving Pogba to be able to play in front of them in the 3?
I can’t remember the game (thankfully), but I’m going to find it if I can and have everyone watch what happened last time we played Pogba at ten.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 25 seconds ago
Would Savic and McT work as a 2 man midfield, both playing box to box roles? Leaving Pogba to be able to play in front of them in the 3?
I should add to that, that I wouldn't want him to be stuck in the middle as a proper number 10, moreso just a 3rd midfielder of the 3 but with more freedom, so he can drift to the left. We'd still have 2 wide men and a striker, so basically a 433 but McT and Savic taking turns to hold or move up the field.

posted on 26/7/19

I think people are overstating Pogba not scoring goals due to having to play a bit deeper than say Fernandes. He’s scored goals when playing in a deeper position for us, Juve and France, he’s not tasked with just standing on the half way line. He also scored seven pens in the league last season, which are completely irrelevant to his position.

We need two midfielders because we don’t have a good defensive midfielder and we rely too much on Pogba in attack.

And this is a massive problem because our forwards aren’t clinical or creative, so we need more from our midfield compared to most.

posted on 26/7/19

Tbh my prediction for the remainder of the window is that we agree a deal with Leicester for Maguire, something around £70m with add ons taking it above £80m (ridiculous), and that's it.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 28 minutes ago
Put it this way:

If Fernandes signed with Pogba still about, we’d have a goal-scoring number eight in the side scoring goals, and a second goal-scoring number eight playing in a deeper role - one which wouldn’t best use the talents of the player - and who won’t be scoring goals. The weak link will still be at DM.

If SMS signed with Pogba still about, Pogba would play at eight, and he’d continue to deliver goals and assists. We’d have an immediate upgrade box-to-box, a role which wry obviously better suits SMS’s game than those of Fernandes or Pogba. McT at DM would be more tenable because he’d get better support from SMS than he would from either Fernandes or Pogba.

For me, Fernandes might be the better player. But SMS is closer to what we actually need. He’d improve us more than Fernandes, all things being equal.

Really, what we need is a top drawer, specialist DM, rather than trying to fix problems we don’t really have (or at least far less significant problems). In midfield, Pogba should be locked in at eight, and one of McT - the best player on the pitch against Spurs and improving all the time - and Pereira - also having a very strong preseason - should be in box to box. The problem really is who anchors.

And it amazes me that I keep reading, “Our forwards don’t score much, so we need more goals from midfield.”

That’s like saying, “My car keeps breaking down so I’m going to try to improve my mobility by investing in an expensive new bicycle.”

Here’s a revelatory idea: Why don’t we try to get the forwards firing properly?! How about that?!

In order to get the forwards firing properly, we need quality & consistent supply to them. Our only midfield creativity comes through Pogba. If he’s nullified or having an off game - not a rare occurrence - then we have a problem supplying those forwards. He may we’ll be off next summer if not this one, also.

We also have to stop viewing players rigidly as being X or Y. One of our best ever midfielders started as a striker, then an AM, then an all rounder and then more of a holding role. He even played on the left sometimes! He had the attributes and intelligence to play different roles effectively. Bruno looks more adaptable with his skill set than SMS to me.

posted on 26/7/19

Daft reports claiming pogba’s older brother moving to Madrid fuelling more pointless pogba to real rumours..

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 25 seconds ago
Would Savic and McT work as a 2 man midfield, both playing box to box roles? Leaving Pogba to be able to play in front of them in the 3?
I should add to that, that I wouldn't want him to be stuck in the middle as a proper number 10, moreso just a 3rd midfielder of the 3 but with more freedom, so he can drift to the left. We'd still have 2 wide men and a striker, so basically a 433 but McT and Savic taking turns to hold or move up the field.

posted on 26/7/19

Pogba doesn't have to play a ten role just be the furthest forward midfielder.

Fernandes would be a good signing regardless of whether Pogba stays or leaves. Regardless, we'd still need a more mobile DM. Neither Fernandes nor SMS need to replace Pogba.

I'm personally not sure Savic is that good as the few times I saw him he didn't stand out. There wasn't an X factor. Fenandes on the other hand has something about him.

posted on 26/7/19

The closing of the transfer window can’t come soon enough anyway. That way we can put transfer discussions on hold until the tenth game of the season.

posted on 26/7/19

comment by BerbaKing11 (U6256)
posted 33 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 28 minutes ago
Put it this way:

If Fernandes signed with Pogba still about, we’d have a goal-scoring number eight in the side scoring goals, and a second goal-scoring number eight playing in a deeper role - one which wouldn’t best use the talents of the player - and who won’t be scoring goals. The weak link will still be at DM.

If SMS signed with Pogba still about, Pogba would play at eight, and he’d continue to deliver goals and assists. We’d have an immediate upgrade box-to-box, a role which wry obviously better suits SMS’s game than those of Fernandes or Pogba. McT at DM would be more tenable because he’d get better support from SMS than he would from either Fernandes or Pogba.

For me, Fernandes might be the better player. But SMS is closer to what we actually need. He’d improve us more than Fernandes, all things being equal.

Really, what we need is a top drawer, specialist DM, rather than trying to fix problems we don’t really have (or at least far less significant problems). In midfield, Pogba should be locked in at eight, and one of McT - the best player on the pitch against Spurs and improving all the time - and Pereira - also having a very strong preseason - should be in box to box. The problem really is who anchors.

And it amazes me that I keep reading, “Our forwards don’t score much, so we need more goals from midfield.”

That’s like saying, “My car keeps breaking down so I’m going to try to improve my mobility by investing in an expensive new bicycle.”

Here’s a revelatory idea: Why don’t we try to get the forwards firing properly?! How about that?!

In order to get the forwards firing properly, we need quality & consistent supply to them. Our only midfield creativity comes through Pogba. If he’s nullified or having an off game - not a rare occurrence - then we have a problem supplying those forwards. He may we’ll be off next summer if not this one, also.

We also have to stop viewing players rigidly as being X or Y. One of our best ever midfielders started as a striker, then an AM, then an all rounder and then more of a holding role. He even played on the left sometimes! He had the attributes and intelligence to play different roles effectively. Bruno looks more adaptable with his skill set than SMS to me.
First of all, on Scholes, he really wasn’t a very good striker. And then his skill set changed over a fifteen year professional career.

If we’d whacked him straight into a deep-lying playmaker role at 22 years old, he’d have adapted in time, of course, but he’d have been terrible, and *wasted*, probably for a good number of seasons.

He didn’t have the patience, temperament, tactical awareness, nor, I don’t believe, the technical tools to distribute as he did at 30 years old when he came into the side.

There are incredibly few midfielders that can play in every midfield role in the modern game to the kind of standard we demand. In fact, I’m struggling to think of just one right now. Kroos maybe? Probably De Bruyne, I guess. There will be others, but really not many.

On creativity, I don’t agree, I’m afraid.

It’s preseason, sure. But we’ve seen fantastic final balls delivered by Pereira (a gem yesterday), McT and Gomes, as well as Pogba, already this summer. I don’t think creativity from midfield is a priority issue, I really don’t.

Final balls from out wide, interplay in tight areas around the box, positioning and timing in the box without doubt, movement across the lines and off the shoulder, and finishing are bigger issues to address.

We have midfielders with vision and who can pick a pass. We need the boys who should be on the end of these things to deliver now - to make those clever runs, to find themselves space, to link effectively, to anticipate that final ball, and to hit the target.

posted on 26/7/19

Neither Fernandez or savic will be coming here unless we can shift pogba. And as no one is interested.....

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 7 minutes ago
The closing of the transfer window can’t come soon enough anyway. That way we can put transfer discussions on hold until the tenth game of the season.
Tenth?! Try third, mate

posted on 26/7/19

Every single person who's been honest and said they've only seen Savic play a handful of times has then followed it up by saying he either didn't impress them or they didn't really notice him

Has anyone watched him and seen him actually look like he'd be any good for us?

posted on 26/7/19

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 1 minute ago
Every single person who's been honest and said they've only seen Savic play a handful of times has then followed it up by saying he either didn't impress them or they didn't really notice him

Has anyone watched him and seen him actually look like he'd be any good for us?
Does YouTube count? If so, then yes.

If not, then

posted on 26/7/19

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 12 minutes ago
Pogba doesn't have to play a ten role just be the furthest forward midfielder.

Fernandes would be a good signing regardless of whether Pogba stays or leaves. Regardless, we'd still need a more mobile DM. Neither Fernandes nor SMS need to replace Pogba.

I'm personally not sure Savic is that good as the few times I saw him he didn't stand out. There wasn't an X factor. Fenandes on the other hand has something about him.

I have the same impression, but I'm wary of it. Sometimes all you have to do is put a player in a different context and they look a whole lot better. For a start, I think the Portuguese league is probably more flattering on a player than playing in Serie A. (That's not to make the 'if he plays there, he must be rubbish' argument, obviously.)

And all of us have been wrong at some point about a player who goes on to great things. I always watched Christian Eriksen with interest, due to all the hype, in his Ajax days and playing for Denmark and he looked like a very tidy, elegant and basically ineffectual player. In that case, the hype was right and my observations were wrong. I also remember a friend of mine (a Spurs fan) finding it hilarious when Arsenal signed that limited, one-dimensional winger Thierry Henry.

posted on 26/7/19

I was being kind, rosso.

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