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my take.. for what its worth

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posted on 20/1/20

Sounds like the original single stress fracture was undiagnosed otherwise he wouldn't have been on the bench against wolves and still would have missed yesterday's game.

posted on 20/1/20

comment by Redastomatoes- Feels very Moyesian...cleverson forever!If he is good enough he is ready! (U12026)
posted 56 seconds ago
Robb and injury on the leg does not lead to an injury in the back no matter how much you try to link the both of them. There was a time too when people supported Jose for accusing players for not playing through pain, I guess it's different for Ole.

Not at all. Even Jose’s biggest supporters, myself one of would have been critical of Jose is playing an injured player ‘because we needed to gamble’ led to 4 months out.

posted on 20/1/20

comment by Mason The King Greenwood (U10026)
posted 3 minutes ago
Keane and Neville are too protect of Ole. Neville doesn’t surprise me as he’s always been wary of criticising the management, but Keane showing any loyalty to anyone is a shock.

I think he’s doing it to wind up souness tbh 😅

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

I think the Rashford injury might just make the club pay a bit extra to get Bruno as we need something to spark our season now we’re missing the guy who has saved our season

posted on 20/1/20

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 14 seconds ago
The fact he said aggravated means he had a known issue before to his back but clearly Ole and his medical staff didn’t think it was serious so they let him go out there and make it worse. There is levels of incompetence at this club that borders on dangerous.

Without a doubt we need a striker to come in on loan and if we have to pay over the odds we have to. Fernandes is needed as the reality is champions league football will determine who we buy in the summer. Rashford is out for the season most likely so we need attackers
You've just quoted him saying it's a stress fracture and it's not something that happened before

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20


posted on 20/1/20

"Hopefully he’ll be OK for Sunday. I don’t know. He’s struggled a little bit with knocks in his back lately and he got another one it doesn’t help.

“Of course I am [worried he will not be fit for Sunday]. I didn’t want to play him,” Solskjaer added in his post-match press conference.

“He was involved in the goal, that’s a positive, but it’s backfired. We’ll do anything we can to get him fit for Sunday.

If people can’t apportion Ole even part of the blame there then I’m flabbergasted.

posted on 20/1/20

We do have chronic luck with injuries either way. Arguably our three best/most important outfield players all injured now, and for lengthy periods.

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

Ole’s had some horrendous luck with injuries this season. But it’s not all luck, I think you need to apportion some blame on him for rushing Pogba back and playing Rashford when he was injured.

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

comment by Robb Fernandes (U22311)
posted 1 minute ago
"Hopefully he’ll be OK for Sunday. I don’t know. He’s struggled a little bit with knocks in his back lately and he got another one it doesn’t help.

“Of course I am [worried he will not be fit for Sunday]. I didn’t want to play him,” Solskjaer added in his post-match press conference.

“He was involved in the goal, that’s a positive, but it’s backfired. We’ll do anything we can to get him fit for Sunday.

If people can’t apportion Ole even part of the blame there then I’m flabbergasted.

It does sound like a risk that backfired. I remember Fergie making similar gambles with half-fit players, and that also sometimes not paying off.

Let's not draw conclusions based on our pre-ordained views of the manager as UWW has done.

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 59 seconds ago
Robb exactly!! It was known and club and ole took the risk. They are negligent. We are not a major club anymore as the people making decisions are amateurs. Non league level.
are you really as stupid and ignorant in real life as you are on here?

let me tell you a little story...

a few years ago i went to a game where Utd were playing Blackburn.. im cm that day we had Rafael and park..

on the bench we had pogba and Anderson.

Anderson had been out for about 4 months with an injury and at the time wasnt due back for another 2, or so we were lead to believe.

id gone down to get myself a pie at half time, and when i came back up Anderson was on the pitch.

he completed the game, but aggrivated his injury as he was rushed back and was then out for another long spell.....

now then... i woder if you can work out who was the manager in charge that day for utd that took that risk?

i can bet you tho he wasnt an "inexperienced novice"

posted on 20/1/20

It's not his medical team because like you say ole wouldn't have any medical knowledge.

I'm sure if it was known the lad had a fracture in his back he wouldn't have been on the bench against wolves nevermind yesterday.

Sometimes managers can only go by what the player and medical team tells him.

Nobody knows what niggle he had on Wednesday night but ole admitted he reluctantly took a risk on the strength of that knowledge and its backfired big time.

posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

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posted on 20/1/20

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 21 minutes ago
Robb exactly!! It was known and club and ole took the risk. They are negligent. We are not a major club anymore as the people making decisions are amateurs. Non league level.

We are of course still a major club and things will be fine again so there’s no point panicking. We just have to hope eventually the club get it right - how long that will take I don’t know.

posted on 20/1/20

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 38 seconds ago
It’s not only rashford he’s done it with is it? We sold players and have had to overuse others. That’s incompetence to not prepare the season well. We don’t have enough numbers and even evra was saying this yesterday!
so youd rather he just went out and signed players because of numbers rather than signing players who didnt just want a bumper pay cheque?

youd rather he went out and splashed 70 million on a player who would be gone again in a season or 2 because he didnt fit the style he was working towards?

posted on 20/1/20

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 2 minutes ago
It seems to me we sold Lukaku to help fund signings Would we have not been better off keeping lukaku and smalling? Do we have the money to buy replacements?
no, we sold Lukaku because he just wasnt a very good player for us.

posted on 20/1/20

Said it ages ago but Ole doesnt seem to be able to organise a defence whilst also creating chances. It seems to be one or another.

His signings dont seem to have improved Utd either.

But the squad have a decent attitude and put in a decent performance at times yesterday but ultimately lacked quality. Not kuch Ole can do about Martial goimg with the wrong foot or smashing the ball over.

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