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These 268 comments are related to an article called:

Why Doesn't BJ Just FO/ Stay at Home

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posted on 25/1/21

comment by My Partially Peeved POV (U10636)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tully1 (U20686)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by * (U22266)
posted 1 minute ago
“As of yesterday, the Scottish Government had taken receipt of 717,000 doses of the vaccine. More than 400,000 have yet to reach patients."

Only 40% of over 80s outside care homes vaccinated compared with England at 75%
Scottish GPs are up in arms about the red tape created by the Scottish government delaying the life saving vaccine reaching the most vulnerable

Last Thursday, the agreed 4 nations top priority: 63%care home staff and residents in England were vaccinated compared to 90% in Scotland.
See, a top priority is the top priority. So why have Scotland delivered on agreed priorities so much better than England?
Try telling that to those in care homes in Edinburgh
Made up numbers proven false by your wee leader
Are you saying that 90% in care homes haven't been vaccinated
It would appear it's way short of that number yes
BBC reported 94% this morning.
What number do you have?
No idea where that comes from ?

Scottish office state updated in the last hour state 89% of all care home residents now done With 11% done today
MS Sturgeon told the BBC 94% were done this morning
89% of care homes had been done by the 17th January.

Good site to keep track. Info for vaccinations up to now only being officially updated on a Wednesday.

So the 94% is probably on the low side.

Thanks for posting your source and the date of the data.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by * (U22266)
posted 15 seconds ago
comment by MaHeed'sNippin aka I’m the competent Wullie Collum (U3633)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by My Partially Peeved POV (U10636)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tully1 (U20686)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by * (U22266)
posted 1 minute ago
“As of yesterday, the Scottish Government had taken receipt of 717,000 doses of the vaccine. More than 400,000 have yet to reach patients."

Only 40% of over 80s outside care homes vaccinated compared with England at 75%
Scottish GPs are up in arms about the red tape created by the Scottish government delaying the life saving vaccine reaching the most vulnerable

Last Thursday, the agreed 4 nations top priority: 63%care home staff and residents in England were vaccinated compared to 90% in Scotland.
See, a top priority is the top priority. So why have Scotland delivered on agreed priorities so much better than England?
Try telling that to those in care homes in Edinburgh
Made up numbers proven false by your wee leader
Are you saying that 90% in care homes haven't been vaccinated
It would appear it's way short of that number yes
BBC reported 94% this morning.
What number do you have?
No idea where that comes from ?

Scottish office state updated in the last hour state 89% of all care home residents now done With 11% done today
MS Sturgeon told the BBC 94% were done this morning
89% of care homes had been done by the 17th January.

Good site to keep track. Info for vaccinations up to now only being officially updated on a Wednesday.



Is there a picture of a cat sat on top of a globe on the front of the website.

Sounds really legit...
They'll be sponsoring a football club next

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 3 minutes ago
Somebody somewhere not telling the truth. I know the usual idiots will howl about it being the other side. I trust none of them. My howl is it seems suspicious that the U.K. gov want the number hushed up. Why, if it can ‘show up’ Holyrood?

The pro rata number to the 717k England should get is 7371k. They say they have vaccinated 6574k. Either they really have made a darn good job off it and will run out of vaccines to administer or they have been allocating more to England? We can’t know because the numbers have been hushed up. By them.

I trust none of the shower of rats.
Yes. Agree 100%
And jumping to conclusions based on the team you support isn't clever
Very scarfy

Mind our vaccine rollout us hardly world beating

posted on 25/1/21

It’s a really good tracker. Updated every day by about 3 pm with the latest info.

But the name means it’s no good apparently, despite all the relevant sources being detailed.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 8 minutes ago
Indonesia are vaccinating all those of working age first

Good or bad approach ?
Israel are doing something similar with 16-18 year olds so they can sit exams

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 25/1/21

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 6 minutes ago
Indonesia are vaccinating all those of working age first

Good or bad approach ?
Just different and addressing a different issue. 'Only' 28k deaths from 270m population.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 8 minutes ago
Indonesia are vaccinating all those of working age first

Good or bad approach ?
Israel are doing something similar with 16-18 year olds so they can sit exams
Israel wholly different. Guaranteed priority supply of vaccine in exchange for patient data.

posted on 25/1/21

Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm

posted on 25/1/21

It was a sure bet that the rollout would cause hunners of arguments and it has ☚ī¸

posted on 25/1/21

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 3 minutes ago
Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm

Good stuff.

posted on 25/1/21

How things are progressing in Israel:


posted on 25/1/21

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 7 minutes ago
Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm
Are the vaccine stats produced every day?

comment by Tully1 (U20686)

posted on 25/1/21

Anyways, back to the topic, boris should heed the advice of his health secretary - Stay home home and protect the NHS.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 7 minutes ago
Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm
Are the vaccine stats produced every day?
He says they are

Go on the site and read it ya lazy bassa

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Tully1 (U20686)
posted 2 minutes ago
Anyways, back to the topic, boris should heed the advice of his health secretary - Stay home home and protect the NHS.
Yes he definitely should

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Tully1 (U20686)
posted 2 minutes ago
Anyways, back to the topic, boris should heed the advice of his health secretary - Stay home home and protect the NHS.
He’s following the Dominic Cummings way 👍

posted on 25/1/21

comment by MaHeed'sNippin aka I’m the competent Wullie Collum (U3633)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tully1 (U20686)
posted 2 minutes ago
Anyways, back to the topic, boris should heed the advice of his health secretary - Stay home home and protect the NHS.
He’s following the Dominic Cummings way 👍

Hopefully Dominic masked up in gatherings...

Dear Leader showed the way!

posted on 25/1/21

Stay home my fwcking hole.

The minute you say something against these truly dreadful all encompassing hammer to walnut restrictions you’re accused by some clueless cwnt of killing someone.

Place has gone fwcking mad and sheep like morons ask for more.

No wonder these kind of fwckers are best locked up in their own homes.

posted on 25/1/21

And Maggie Ferrier took Dear Leader's example...

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 41 seconds ago
Stay home my fwcking hole.

The minute you say something against these truly dreadful all encompassing hammer to walnut restrictions you’re accused by some clueless cwnt of killing someone.

Place has gone fwcking mad and sheep like morons ask for more.

No wonder these kind of fwckers are best locked up in their own homes.

Amen to that!

Meh, meh, meh - like bloody zombies (no reference to Rangers, spare me that).

Sheep bloody everywhere.

'Like that scene from The Mummy' where they're walking through the streets with their hands out in front of them.

Statler, Waldorf & Hancock - a triumvirate of tee-total, virgins.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 7 minutes ago
Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm
Are the vaccine stats produced every day?
He says they are

Go on the site and read it ya lazy bassa
I didn't see any stats for vaccines in care homes on there. I'll look again

posted on 25/1/21

Why do Johnson & Sturgeon get their 1st names on here?

posted on 25/1/21


JA is a Tory / SNP stronghold.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 3 minutes ago
Stay home my fwcking hole.

The minute you say something against these truly dreadful all encompassing hammer to walnut restrictions you’re accused by some clueless cwnt of killing someone.

Place has gone fwcking mad and sheep like morons ask for more.

No wonder these kind of fwckers are best locked up in their own homes.

Also - why are the Government not being pressed into
releasing the actual figures for those who have directly died due to Covid instead of this 'Died with 61 (apparently it is now 61 - happy to be corrected) days of a positive test' BS?

For a lergy which we have a 99% mortality rate?

Bloody ridiculous. I have now had 2 old colleagues who have committed suicide due to losing their jobs and subsequently a roof over their head. Fit blokes, would've easily have survived this 'plague' had they caught it.

Unfortunately they couldn't survive the outcome of this BS lockdown.

posted on 25/1/21

comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Magnum. (U22391)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 7 minutes ago
Travelling tabby is a reasonable guide
Enthusiastic blogger with no apparent axe to grind

That said its a collection of official info with interpretation

Is it more or less or similarly informed as official sources ?

Who knows but it's out if kilter with official stats
Whether that's MS sturgeons number or that from the stats office as of 7pm
Are the vaccine stats produced every day?
He says they are

Go on the site and read it ya lazy bassa
I didn't see any stats for vaccines in care homes on there. I'll look again
Oh those
Don’t know I never noticed that detail
Someone else stated that

My care home numbers were from the official scotgov

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