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Sadio mane

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posted on 19/8/15

Man Utd bid for Mane
Posted at 16:28
BBC Sport can confirm that Manchester United have bid Southampton winger Sadio Mane (see 15:36). The bid for the 23-year-old was lodged last week.

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 19/8/15

Interesting to see what sort of money we'll be paying. I imagine it will be around the Pedro money if not more.

Younger, has potential to develop and there is actually resale value though.

posted on 19/8/15

We bid last week and yet we've,I gather,not had a reply.Hmm.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 19/8/15

We'll have to pay at least £25m

posted on 19/8/15

comment by My_Genius_Ball_Bag (U19099)
posted 9 seconds ago
We bid last week and yet we've,I gather,not had a reply.Hmm.
It's a process

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 19/8/15

Sky Sports reporting that he will be cheaper than Pedro now

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 19/8/15

Also has anyone else noticed the PR machine is in full mode today? A lot being leaked to multiple media outlets.

posted on 19/8/15

"Also has anyone else noticed the PR machine is in full mode today? A lot being leaked to multiple media outlets."

I was just thinking that!

posted on 19/8/15

Official bid has been made.

posted on 19/8/15

comment by Benched (U7195)
posted 2 minutes ago
Also has anyone else noticed the PR machine is in full mode today? A lot being leaked to multiple media outlets.
I thought that.

posted on 19/8/15

comment by meltonblue (U10617)

posted 3 seconds ago

"Also has anyone else noticed the PR machine is in full mode today? A lot being leaked to multiple media outlets."

I was just thinking that!


Makes you wonder who LVG is really going for.

posted on 19/8/15


posted on 19/8/15


posted on 19/8/15


The report I read was that the Mane bid was put in last week, which would suggest he was the primary target for you guys rather than Pedro, or at least to have both options for lvg to choose from.

posted on 19/8/15

LOL this has to be a cruel joke...

One day it's Muller/Lewandowski, now it's, Mane.

I'm fine with this provided we don't pay anything more than £15m for him.

posted on 19/8/15

Skysports saying we bid last week, so why were we faffing about with pedro??

posted on 19/8/15

So Mane is the surprise signing that the media did not mention.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 19/8/15

Is he a right winger?

posted on 19/8/15

Personal vendetta against Koeman to sabotage his chances with Southampton perhaps...

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 19/8/15

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 seconds ago
Skysports saying we bid last week, so why were we faffing about with pedro??
The same reason you keep the numbers of 6/10 girls in your phone?

posted on 19/8/15

comment by Freedom FC (Welcome to Texas) (U7214)
posted 34 seconds ago
LOL this has to be a cruel joke...

One day it's Muller/Lewandowski, now it's, Mane.

I'm fine with this provided we don't pay anything more than £15m for him.
Won't get him for that

posted on 19/8/15

don't think lvg ever fancied pedro but only saw him as an alternative option

posted on 19/8/15

Lol this is pretty funny

posted on 19/8/15

comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Freedom FC (Welcome to Texas) (U7214)
posted 34 seconds ago
LOL this has to be a cruel joke...

One day it's Muller/Lewandowski, now it's, Mane.

I'm fine with this provided we don't pay anything more than £15m for him.
Won't get him for that
How much you reckon he's worth?

posted on 19/8/15

comment by SouthLondonManc (U12028)

posted 54 seconds ago

So Mane is the surprise signing that the media did not mention.


Well, it is a surprise.

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