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Anything Goes Politics Edition

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posted on 1/2/17

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posted on 1/2/17

comment by Freedom FC (Welcome to Texas) (U7214)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 23 minutes ago
There's more jihadis travelling on "friendly" passports than will ever be stopped by focussing on a few nominally adversarial nations.

I've lived in a few terror hotspots over the past few years. One thing I can say, is that they aren't total idiots.
There's more information available from our "friendlies" regarding potentially dangerous people versus a Somalia, where we have little to no interaction and even cooperation with their government, if there's even a government at this point of the Civil War.
As I said, this makes for a weak and pedestrian argument between posters with limited information.

A very big case can be made for an aggressive campaign against the wealthy Salafists (or Wahhabists for that matter), obviously living in these friendly states and responsible for the limitless cash and materiel required by these extremists.

I took a job that has me splitting my time between Kenya and one of the autonomous Somali states. We've seen a few moves made against the wire-transfer firms, but these mostly seem to die out when the pressure gets back to the Gulf-based banks.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
One mans friendly is another child's oppressor and all that.

Why no Saudi on the list?
How many Saudi migrants or refugees moving to America?
Personally, I would not ne nice to Saudi, but oil will dictate, sadly.For me, Saudi extremist islamism is something the lgbt, feminists, left and liberals should march about....hypocrites.

posted on 1/2/17


We aren't really communicating with Iran based on what Flynn said today. Syria, eh. Somalia, eh. Sudan, ???. Iraq, I'll give you. Yemen, sorta.

I don't think I deflected the question but if you need clarifying, I'll try my best to re-word it.


You definitely know the area better than I do but it still doesn't convince me of why we should retract Somalia on the ban list. Obama and his team think that they were threat. Trump and his team think they're a threat. I'm sure the government has many reasons why they're putting them on that list.

Your wealthy Arabs that are funding these, Trump has said during the campaign that he wants to find a way to freeze their assets and get rid of the black market oil. He's only one week into the presidency so it's a waiting game to see if he's going to do something about it or not.

I just find it unfair that everything Trump does is met with a lot of skepticism or cries of conflict of interest" when his EO's just took place and we haven't seen the results yet.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
One mans friendly is another child's oppressor and all that.

Why no Saudi on the list?

It was Obama's government which made the list

posted on 1/2/17


Unlike Boris Johnson and the Israelis, I'm not calling for a case by case exemption for any particular nationality.

I had friends and family in one of the recent major attacks in this region. Like a large number of other investigations around the world, the majority of passports and bank accounts involved, were from "friendly" nations.

I'm merely calling this out for what it is.

A publicity stunt.

Red meat for a particular constituency of the American electorate.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
One mans friendly is another child's oppressor and all that.

Why no Saudi on the list?

It was Obama's government which made the list
Really sick of, yes we can lie Obama,,now saying America is discriminating on faith and religion, when his admin team named the seven states.

Huge police raids in Germany today, against islamists planning to attack innocents again.Tunisian link reported.


posted on 1/2/17

comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 4 minutes ago

Unlike Boris Johnson and the Israelis, I'm not calling for a case by case exemption for any particular nationality.

I had friends and family in one of the recent major attacks in this region. Like a large number of other investigations around the world, the majority of passports and bank accounts involved, were from "friendly" nations.

I'm merely calling this out for what it is.

A publicity stunt.

Red meat for a particular constituency of the American electorate.
Partially true, using Obama's seven states Info, Trump kept his pro use to his voters....mad, I know.

Folk say America has little islamist terror.....could that be due to having little immigration from said states and other islamist regions, and a strong security set up in the homeland.
Contrast that with modern day Germany, France or Brussels.Mass immigration,,large Muslim ghettos and weak security in a liberal soft society, exp!oited by Isis and hate preachers radicalizing Muslim youth in Europe.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
One mans friendly is another child's oppressor and all that.

Why no Saudi on the list?

It was Obama's government which made the list
Really sick of, yes we can lie Obama,,now saying America is discriminating on faith and religion, when his admin team named the seven states.

Huge police raids in Germany today, against islamists planning to attack innocents again.Tunisian link reported.

Doesn't help when the sitting head of state appears on religiously affiliated media, and starts going on about how his particular faith is suffering casualties on the other side.

Give him a beard, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between him and a middle eastern despot.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
One mans friendly is another child's oppressor and all that.

Why no Saudi on the list?

It was Obama's government which made the list
Really sick of, yes we can lie Obama,,now saying America is discriminating on faith and religion, when his admin team named the seven states.

Huge police raids in Germany today, against islamists planning to attack innocents again.Tunisian link reported.

Doesn't help when the sitting head of state appears on religiously affiliated media, and starts going on about how his particular faith is suffering casualties on the other side.

Give him a beard, and you wouldn't be able to tell the differencherstween him and a middle eastern despot.
Hmmm, yet the protestors have no problem with states being called Muslim, thus revealing hypocrisy, as the same marchers oppose any notion of Christianity being part of western identity.
America, Prince Charles and yours truly are quite right to highlight ethnic cleansing of Christians in Muslim lands.

Hard-line islamists oppose the rights of women, gay people, other faiths and other political views, yet protests focus on the UK and USA?????

Thing is, America, UK, much of Europe, Russia and Oz have had enough, and populism is writing a new chapter in our history.The leftist and intolerant identity Po!itics social warriors have met their match.

posted on 1/2/17

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago

Hmmm, yet the protestors have no problem with states being called Muslim, thus revealing hypocrisy, as the same marchers oppose any notion of Christianity being part of western identity.
America, Prince Charles and yours truly are quite right to highlight ethnic cleansing of Christians in Muslim lands.

Hard-line islamists oppose the rights of women, gay people, other faiths and other political views, yet protests focus on the UK and USA?????

Thing is, America, UK, much of Europe, Russia and Oz have had enough, and populism is writing a new chapter in our history.The leftist and intolerant identity Po!itics social warriors have met their match.

Don't quite get your line of thought.

There's really nothing any member of the public can do to directly affect the policies of a foreign nation. Civil disobedience can only work to pressurise their particular governments on issues of local policy or in their dealings with other nations.

You'll always find some sort of unrest any time any middle-eastern or Chinese state cash investment lands in a western country.

You will also always see people getting kettled in the street any time heads of state from these areas visit.

I cannot speak for your particular brand of politics, but your comment is disingenuous to say the least.

posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

Gillespie & Dave

posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

Dont know if 20/25 or 50/60, but it's certainly coming our way.

Unabated greed is the no.1 problem, imo, and we aren't going to get off this crash course to disaster unless we collectively come to terms and prove capable of doing something about it.

Not looking good though, already on here I've seen little monsters saying stuff like "The elderly are a burden on society, why fund their healthcare?"

At this rate it won't be too long before we start hearing 'final solution' proposals.

posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

Oh well. We might not need to worry about that.

Reading Bannon's thoughts this morning about going to war with China, plus veiled threats of military action against Iran, and Trump suggesting to Peña Nieto that he might just have to send troops over the border.

posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

People need to stop regurgitating everything that Fox News report as 'alternative facts'

"The seven countries on Trump’s list

While not necessarily part of this fact-check, Trump’s suggestion that he selected the seven countries as a continuation of Obama’s policy is imprecise.

According to the executive order, Trump’s action applies to "countries designated pursuant to Division O, Title II, Section 203 of the 2016 consolidated Appropriations Act."

That refers to a 2015 act, signed into law by Obama, revising the United States’ visa waiver program. The visa waiver program allows citizens from 38 countries to enter the United States without a visa for up to 90 days. Under the legislation, citizens of those 38 countries who had traveled to Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Sudan after March 2011 were no longer eligible for the visa waiver. Libya, Yemen, and Somalia were later added to the list.

In other words, Obama’s actions dealt with people who had visited Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, not citizens of those countries, and it did not prohibit them from entering the United States."


Here's a brilliant rebuttal to all the lies from James O'brien. Watch the link to listen to the rest.

30 January 2017, 10:49

James O'Brien Touched

James O'Brien rubbished the reasons given for Donald Trump's travel ban one-by-one.

"Why these countries, why this list?

"I'll give you, off the top of my head, the easy answers: Barack Obama came up with this list James...that's simply not true.

"Immediately this ban came out, the usual suspects, the usual white supremacist 'news' sites...were trying to argue that: 'Oh well, Israelis are banned from lots of Arab countries, that's exactly the same, why does nobody ever complain about that?

"To which the answer, if I really need to explain, is simple: that some Arab countries, some Muslim countries accept the United Nations' judgment that Israel is guilty of war crimes and therefore take a decision to sanction that sovereign government in Israel with a restriction of travel for its citizens until that sovereign government falls into line with international law.

"It's that simple. Donald Trump isn't doing that. He's saying: 'Aw yeah, these guys are dangerous and I don't have to prove it, I don't want to prove it. I've got no proof but I'm going to ban them any because I know my fans will love it.

"And he's right.

"Donald Trump signed an executive order that effectively classes American Muslims from these seven countries a second class citizen. Once you actually formalise the notion of an Untermensch - an inferior human being, somebody who does not deserve the same rights under the law, the same protections, the same fundamental principles of universal human rights, you are a Nazi."


posted on 2/2/17

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posted on 2/2/17

Just shoot

I made it to the end 👍🏼

America is different, it doesn't have one culture and shouldn't either. If they did have one culture that everybody had to integrate into then surly it would have to be the culture of the Natives NOT European (illegal) settlers.

The compromise of having almost exterminated an entire race is that everybody could have a piece of the pie. Hispanics, Arabs (who have settled in America since the early years), Africans, Asians.

America is white majority but it isn't a white country which some people think it is, espeacially Trump supporters. The borders just can't simply close because they've had enough brown people coming in.

Further more I disagree that human beings shouldn't be able to move around this planet freely.

Watch the video below. It's of a white American telling foreigners to go home waving an American flag. By chance an Native Indian walks by and starts telling the white folk to go home.

Should white people pack their bags or not be allowed in today without visa checks by the Natives?


posted on 2/2/17

Just Shoot, I'd say those people at the birthday party were just pretty rude in that instance (something we can all be guilty of), and I'd imagine it would be similarly viewed in most cultures.

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