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These 176 comments are related to an article called:

4 arrests over racial abuse

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posted on 15/7/21

name and shame these pr 1. cks

posted on 15/7/21

2 minutes in a room with AJ?

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 2 minutes ago
2 minutes in a room with AJ?
Andrew Johnson?

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 1 minute ago
2 minutes in a room with AJ?
That’s not long to reason with someone?

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Blackpolespur (U9242)
posted 30 seconds ago
comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 2 minutes ago
2 minutes in a room with AJ?
Andrew Johnson?
nah thats too much, you'd never recover from 2 minutes looking at that.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 1 minute ago
2 minutes in a room with AJ?
That’s not long to reason with someone?
It's all he'll need

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Just Shoot - Southgate FFS (U10408)
posted 6 minutes ago
So we are promoting beatings now for people posting racist sheite?

Hell yeah

posted on 15/7/21


posted on 15/7/21

Here's another one...


All these turrds seem to claim that their facebook / twitter was hacked when they're confronted.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 5 minutes ago
Here's another one...


All these turrds seem to claim that their facebook / twitter was hacked when they're confronted.
I suppose a few might have been but almost guarantee most haven't, they often post when drunk and then think "hold on, this might get me into trouble"?

Fck them, idiots that they are

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Just Shoot - Southgate FFS (U10408)
posted 20 minutes ago
So we are promoting beatings now for people posting racist sheite?
I don’t see the issue

posted on 15/7/21

Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?

posted on 15/7/21

comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!

posted on 15/7/21

Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?

posted on 15/7/21

comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
It's not a weird take as these people will already have been privately banned from every football ground and their jobs gone, just like that. Naming them prevents their right to rebuild their lives and be better people. They WILL get mass beatings on the back of them being named. I mean, they're racist, but like I said - an eye for an eye is not that way we do things here. We punish privately and rehabilitate.

Naming a murderer is very different to naming a diccccckhead online that said something really stupid in the heat of the moment.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Blackpolespur (U9242)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot - Southgate FFS (U10408)
posted 6 minutes ago
So we are promoting beatings now for people posting racist sheite?

Hell yeah

JS feels sorry for them.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
Naming and shaming racists is just as bad as the racism they perpetrated.


posted on 15/7/21

Good, throw the book at them, then get Johnson & Patel banged up too for incitement.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
It's not a weird take as these people will already have been privately banned from every football ground and their jobs gone, just like that. Naming them prevents their right to rebuild their lives and be better people. They WILL get mass beatings on the back of them being named. I mean, they're racist, but like I said - an eye for an eye is not that way we do things here. We punish privately and rehabilitate.

Naming a murderer is very different to naming a diccccckhead online that said something really stupid in the heat of the moment.
How do you know they will get mass beatings? Sorry that is not a foregone conclusion.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 17 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
The racists are more disgusting obviously,

Name them, shame them, fire them, jail them.

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