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4 arrests over racial abuse

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posted on 15/7/21

i was joking, but at the same time lets be honest 2 minutes in a room with AJ would be a better deterrent and punishment than what ever will happen if they're found guilty.

Education is key but it costs money and probably won't work anyway. People who want to be s will be s regardless of anything anyone can do, i don't see it so much as racists/sexist/homophobics etc i just see s wanting attention or wanting to make people feel as miserable as they do.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Vorsprung durch Tuchel (U1641)
posted 33 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot - Southgate FFS (U10408)
posted 20 minutes ago
So we are promoting beatings now for people posting racist sheite?
I don’t see the issue
Me either.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
It's not a weird take as these people will already have been privately banned from every football ground and their jobs gone, just like that. Naming them prevents their right to rebuild their lives and be better people. They WILL get mass beatings on the back of them being named. I mean, they're racist, but like I said - an eye for an eye is not that way we do things here. We punish privately and rehabilitate.

Naming a murderer is very different to naming a diccccckhead online that said something really stupid in the heat of the moment.
Heat of the moment? A strange take indeed .

The law should be applied as written, no special treatment as that will encourage others.. Do the crime do the time.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
It's not a weird take as these people will already have been privately banned from every football ground and their jobs gone, just like that. Naming them prevents their right to rebuild their lives and be better people. They WILL get mass beatings on the back of them being named. I mean, they're racist, but like I said - an eye for an eye is not that way we do things here. We punish privately and rehabilitate.

Naming a murderer is very different to naming a diccccckhead online that said something really stupid in the heat of the moment.
How do you know they will get mass beatings? Sorry that is not a foregone conclusion.
No one has been charged. They've been arrested, yet they've been named. There's a big chance they're going to get beaten up or at the very least be social pariahs.

Naming and shaming is just the start. If you can't see that it opens up the possibility of mass beatings then forget it. Pointless discussion.

This all points to a lot of people preferring an eye for an eye, capital punishment which I find staggering and scary in equal measure.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
The social media community is just as important to the local community.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 minutes ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
What a weird take on the situation!
It's not a weird take as these people will already have been privately banned from every football ground and their jobs gone, just like that. Naming them prevents their right to rebuild their lives and be better people. They WILL get mass beatings on the back of them being named. I mean, they're racist, but like I said - an eye for an eye is not that way we do things here. We punish privately and rehabilitate.

Naming a murderer is very different to naming a diccccckhead online that said something really stupid in the heat of the moment.
How do you know they will get mass beatings? Sorry that is not a foregone conclusion.
No one has been charged. They've been arrested, yet they've been named. There's a big chance they're going to get beaten up or at the very least be social pariahs.

Naming and shaming is just the start. If you can't see that it opens up the possibility of mass beatings then forget it. Pointless discussion.

This all points to a lot of people preferring an eye for an eye, capital punishment which I find staggering and scary in equal measure.
I think you need to relax abit. One of the four could live in a back end village with a population of 100 people. You're telling me they are all going to look for this geezer with spades and baseball bats whilst marching to his house? This isn't the The Simpsons mate. Have some faith in the local comminity.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
If you send racist abuse, why wouldn't you stand by it afterwards? You're just proposing giving these cowards anonymity.

posted on 15/7/21

I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
If they get beaten then too bad. Why should the law give them special treatment?

Maybe we should stop sending paedos to jail because other inmates beat them too? We send former cops to jail too. Why should racist get special treatment? Chat chit get banged.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
The social media community is just as important to the local community.
Why? The social media "community" is just an army of narcissists hell bent on cancelling people so as to elevate their own brand and make them appear woke. I couldn't care less what they think. My worry about all this IS social media. It will whip everyone into such hysteria that they'll end up calling for the death penalty for these people. Social media is the reason we're in this mess in the first place. It's just awful.

posted on 15/7/21

in a way isn't that a good thing? you want people to be afraid of being named and shamed so in essence stop them abusing others online in the first place? if you're innocent you have little to fear. Sure mistaken identities happen but the odds are slim and i doubt you're instantly gonna be set upon and your life ruined before having the chance to prove your innocence or defend yourself.

On the other hand do you want to be friends with them on facebook or w.e if they are guilty? ofc people deserve a second chance to change etc but people also deserve the right to know and decide for themselves.

I also don't think we should spend resources on letting them keep anonymity, which is probably the only reason these cowards had the nerve to try it in the first place. Believing they'd be safe behind their computers far away.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
If you send racist abuse, why wouldn't you stand by it afterwards? You're just proposing giving these cowards anonymity.
Imagine knowing that your identity will be protected if hurl racial abuse?

Thats stupid unless you want to encourage the behaviour.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - Hitokiri Battousai, Rurouni Himura Kenshin (U1282)
posted 36 seconds ago
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
If they get beaten then too bad. Why should the law give them special treatment?

Maybe we should stop sending paedos to jail because other inmates beat them too? We send former cops to jail too. Why should racist get special treatment? Chat chit get banged.
Because they're in jail for a reason, to keep them away from society. What we're dealing with here is incomparable.

posted on 15/7/21

i think i prefer to care more about the victims and trying to stop it happening to future victims than what may or may not happen to the culprits.

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Poolmyfinger (U12438)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by ...TUX... (U22398)
posted 21 minutes ago
Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.


Freedom of speech eroding day by day.

Have any of you not ever heard of the phrase “sticks and stones”?
jasus christ

posted on 15/7/21

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS #FreePalestine (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 minute
comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 3 seconds ago
Jesus! This naming and shaming is just as vile as the racist comments that got them in to trouble in the first place. It's the modern day equivalent of a public stoning. What has happened to this country? Is it trial by Twitter now instead of trial by jury with anonymity?

I'm not sure what's more disgusting to be honest.
You think knowing who sends racist messages is worse than sending racist messages?
No, but the ensuing mob attack that would likely follow on would be. Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.
In another example, if someone starts shouting 'you black c___' at someone on a tram and it's videoed, the papers shouldn't report it?
I think you have to take into account the context. First of all, one is face to face racism. The other is a heat of the moment racist comment online. The ones that do it online clearly aren't brave enough to do it in person. Secondly, racist abuse on a bus doesn't get anywhere near the kind of coverage that this is getting, therefore the possibility of a beating after naming them ramps up hugely based on that coverage.

I'm against the idea of naming and shaming in general unless you're looking those that pose an immediate danger to the local community.
The social media community is just as important to the local community.
Why? The social media "community" is just an army of narcissists hell bent on cancelling people so as to elevate their own brand and make them appear woke. I couldn't care less what they think. My worry about all this IS social media. It will whip everyone into such hysteria that they'll end up calling for the death penalty for these people. Social media is the reason we're in this mess in the first place. It's just awful.
Thats not gonna happen, lets not go crazy.

We should worry more about the victims than racists.

If authorities are as sympathetic to racists as you are then no wonder we have a race problem.

posted on 15/7/21

Definitely name and shame these scuuumbags.

They should be losing their jobs and deserve the book thrown at them. Maybe their racist chums may think twice when they realise their lives will be ruined by posting their disgusting views.

posted on 15/7/21

comment by Poolmyfinger (U12438)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by ...TUX... (U22398)
posted 21 minutes ago
Let's get this straight. They've been arrested. No one has been charged yet their names are beginning to emerge. There's a very real possibility that one or more of these idiots (admittedly) could get badly beaten or worse as a result of this. An eye for an eye is not that way the law works in this country, thank god. They've allegedly said some awful things publicly during a very emotional point in a major tournament but do they deserve to have their lives torn apart for it. I'm totally against racism in all forms but I'm also against the idea that you're almost judged before the evidence is put before a court.

Publicly naming them is fraught with so many problems. We're a better country than that.


Freedom of speech eroding day by day.

Have any of you not ever heard of the phrase “sticks and stones”?
"Freedom of speech" ? fck off ya absolute tool

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

I see the far right are wading in now.

I don't see the difference between Anthony Burke, the idiot who made monkey noises at Fred getting named, fined and banned from the Etihad, and someone online suffering the same treatment.

Why do you get to be anonymous for online hate crime but not in person?

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

comment by The Post Nearly Man Says Every Single One Of Us Loves Alex Ferguson (U1270)
posted 2 minutes ago
I see the far right are wading in now.

I don't see the difference between Anthony Burke, the idiot who made monkey noises at Fred getting named, fined and banned from the Etihad, and someone online suffering the same treatment.

Why do you get to be anonymous for online hate crime but not in person?
Agree with your points there, Poolmy has been filtered now, he takes away so much enjoyment for me on here that I lose interest when he starts his pash

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/7/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

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