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LFC Tranny Thread

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posted on 3/8/20

comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm the Mané - PL Champione (U1108)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm the Mané - PL Champione (U1108)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 12 minutes ago
Dno why people get offended by others demanding more/improvement regardless of recent success. And it certainly doesn't mean they dont give credit or appreciate the work thats been done either. Not always a bad thing you want to make it out to be is it? Hopefully it makes sure they dont become complacent.

Arsenal got themselves into a good position financially and on the pitch too but the lack of ambition to continue that with backing etc we all know how that turned out.
That all sounds reasonable but Kash in particular goea all out on the FSG bashing. Wants us to be another City and how any real fan can want that astounds me.
lol making things up as per usual. I have never said we need a sugar daddy. Just a simple requirement of one marquee signing a season to go along with some promising young players. Just because I don't suck FSG off doesn't make me a real fan.
What's a marquee signing? Like what are the requirements to count as one?
A player who can or would improve the first 11. He could be a free transfer, 30m (Thiago) or 100m (Sancho).
First 11 is a nonsense statement in modern football. Our very problem is that in some positions our rotation players aren't good enough. Case in point is Werner. On your criteria he's not a marquee signing as he doesn't improve the first 11. No way is he better than salah mane or firmino. He would have given us back up and a different option. Thiago also wouldn't improve the first 11 and again is more about giving us something different.

What you mean is you want a big shiny signing that looks all exciting. The sort city do constantly. Like spending millions on players to sit on the bench and subsequently gain about 20 points less.

FSG have brought a way of looking at transfers that doesn't allow that to happen. Every player brought in is either solving a specific problem or at least likely to retain value and therefore not be a waste. They only go hard when they are truly certain of something and the need is great (VVD is the perfect example of this). Our transfer dealings of the last 4/5 years are the envy of most rival fans - its the one thing we get absolutely no abuse over.
I stopped reading after you said Thiago won't improve our first eleven

posted on 3/8/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 3/8/20

comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
Kenny the snowflake getting his panties in a twist over some banter.
Yeah, nothing better than the Chuckle Brothers in full swing.....

posted on 3/8/20

i dont think we'll sign an alternative to werner this season or make a big signing in general, however for the season after we probably will, unless we just risk it while afcon happens

posted on 3/8/20

With no ACON next year I believe I'm quite relaxed re transfers.

We need to keep Milner, and Winnie though.

With Lallana gone and I think Shaq likely to go that leaves room for Jones and Elliot to get some good minutes and develop.

I also have a feeling the big D will leave as well which could open the door for Brewster however I would also like to see another striker or player than can play across the front 3 given hopefully the amount of games we could play next season.

At the back Lov defo needs replacing, if we can combine that with a player who can cover at left back even better. The worry at CB is Matip and Gomez have a tendency to pick up a few injuries.

So in summary for me the key signings need to be a CB that cover left back and a player that play across the front 3.

posted on 3/8/20

there were rumours of psg wanting matip last night..

posted on 3/8/20

comment by (K̇ash) I'm the Mané - PL Champione (U1108)
posted 38 minutes ago
comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm the Mané - PL Champione (U1108)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm the Mané - PL Champione (U1108)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by KingKenny (U1961)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 12 minutes ago
Dno why people get offended by others demanding more/improvement regardless of recent success. And it certainly doesn't mean they dont give credit or appreciate the work thats been done either. Not always a bad thing you want to make it out to be is it? Hopefully it makes sure they dont become complacent.

Arsenal got themselves into a good position financially and on the pitch too but the lack of ambition to continue that with backing etc we all know how that turned out.
That all sounds reasonable but Kash in particular goea all out on the FSG bashing. Wants us to be another City and how any real fan can want that astounds me.
lol making things up as per usual. I have never said we need a sugar daddy. Just a simple requirement of one marquee signing a season to go along with some promising young players. Just because I don't suck FSG off doesn't make me a real fan.
What's a marquee signing? Like what are the requirements to count as one?
A player who can or would improve the first 11. He could be a free transfer, 30m (Thiago) or 100m (Sancho).
First 11 is a nonsense statement in modern football. Our very problem is that in some positions our rotation players aren't good enough. Case in point is Werner. On your criteria he's not a marquee signing as he doesn't improve the first 11. No way is he better than salah mane or firmino. He would have given us back up and a different option. Thiago also wouldn't improve the first 11 and again is more about giving us something different.

What you mean is you want a big shiny signing that looks all exciting. The sort city do constantly. Like spending millions on players to sit on the bench and subsequently gain about 20 points less.

FSG have brought a way of looking at transfers that doesn't allow that to happen. Every player brought in is either solving a specific problem or at least likely to retain value and therefore not be a waste. They only go hard when they are truly certain of something and the need is great (VVD is the perfect example of this). Our transfer dealings of the last 4/5 years are the envy of most rival fans - its the one thing we get absolutely no abuse over.
I stopped reading after you said Thiago won't improve our first eleven
Better than fabinho is he? Because that is the only position you can put him in in our midfield.

posted on 3/8/20

comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 38 minutes ago
there were rumours of psg wanting matip last night..
what price quoted? Love the guy but if its silly money, with his injury record?

posted on 3/8/20

I was told last year I was dead wrong on the dark side when I said that the players who were on klopps list were not transfers but the likes of Jones etc. I got lambasted for saying werner was not coming etc.

the club signalled right after the cl final that we wouldnt be buying and that was that.

this year they signalled in march forget about transfers and even contract were on hold.

all I am hearing right now is every squad player we have is for sale and constant regurgitation of the thiago rumour.

I would genuinely be worried if we shed half the squad here. lovren, shaqiri, matip, origi. its not like they are wonderful but they beat barca 4-0 lol.

if you take that amount out the squad starts to look quite bare.

posted on 3/8/20

I agree with a lot of that but I would say that many of the squad players mentioned (not matip!) Really haven't shown it much when they got their chance. If that is the case you may as well just use youth. I know Greenwood is special BUT if united had an older decent squad player he wouldn't have got the same chances he's had this season and wouldn't have got to show what he can do.

posted on 3/8/20

Just got back from a few days in Belfast. Christ, it's hard to go out and enjoy a pint in Ireland at present

posted on 3/8/20

I see a few of the same people who cried last summer about "standing still while everyone else buys players" didn't learn their lesson.

We had known quantities of players, working and growing as a team and developing under klopp guidance.

People were angry we didn't beat arsenal to pepe ffs. What's he done this season? Had we bought him would he have disrupted the team? Would we have been forced to bring him on in games where origi popped up with goals? Start him occasionally over mane/salah in games they scored in?

Signing players doesn't automatically = success or improvement, it's the same arguments as last year, sometimes they disrupt the team ethic, sometimes you have to accommodate them to the detriment of a known performer, sometimes they don't suit the style.

People seem to want to buy for the sake of it.

posted on 3/8/20

Agree IRU but hindsight is a beautiful thing but you can't tell me that if one of the front 3 were out for 6 months that we would have been even close to what we achieved this season. The drop off is massive and I think it is a huge concern really (minamino might come good with time but he only properly covers firmino imo). And cb/lb cover is a fairly modest ask again considering the drop off from robbo. But ye the whole "we must buy a star" is silly talk. Probably the ones who weren't overly happy with the amounts paid for mane, wijnaldum and robbo.

posted on 3/8/20

Well i dont exactly put a 6-12 month time frame when i say standing still, i dont expect standing still one window to instantly impact that season. But keep doing it and itll catch up to us eventually im sure of that. Last season was the first time we really did it under Klopp.

We improved every year under him from transfers imo and the reinvestment of the cout money on VVD and Alisson was key to the recent success, last season we didnt, this season looks like we wont either. So lets see if this continue or if teams who are clearly improving (chelsea, utd) close that gap, and see how long it takes for them to overtake if we continue to stand still shall we?

posted on 3/8/20

If we keep our 1st 11 fit for the majority of the season i expect us to challenge for the PL n CL again. Im never gonna expect us to keep that going though. Still think theyve worked miracles doing it for pretty much 2 years or so now. Change in styles clearly helped on that front and probably exiting domestic cups at the earliest rounds.

posted on 3/8/20

Klopps 1st year - matip mane wijnaldum karius klavan
2nd year - Salah Ox VVD Robertson Solanke
3rd year - Alisson Shaq Fabinho Keita

Thats what lead to CL n PL success. But if you want to believe otherwise, go ahead.

posted on 3/8/20

Last season we did buy, Minamino was added in the winter, presumably to settle for next season, perhaps as well as a less traditional approach to transfers (committee, moneyball) we are also taking a different approach to the tradition of only signing in the summer.

Yes we would benefit from a new member of the front three, but players like Elliot are also developing, if divock leaves we won't leave a hole in the squad, we will fill it and continue to rely on player development or changing tactics.

I also think we would benefit from LB backup and obviously a new 4th choice CB, but i won't be crying if it doesn't happen, not complaining about the fact an owner who hasn't been asset stripping the club wants it to stand on its own two feet.

posted on 3/8/20

It's funny because pretty much all the pundits and even rival fans have spoken about how well run we appear to be and the good job the owners have done yet some of our own can't seem to see it!

posted on 3/8/20

I agree with the person who said we have an issue, our 1st 11 is hard to improve on now. Thats an issue.

That said we should always be looking to the future imo, Pulisic and Werner are how old? reasonably priced imo and suited. Thats my opinion non of us know how theyll turn out. Also felt maybe Fernandes was an upgrade at the time too and that was the year we stood still, spent about 9m?

Again just my opinion, i'd rather we continue improving if not the 1st 11 then atleast top competition for it, esp if that competition is 20-23 years old, a good 5+ years younger than most our 1st 11.

We have clearly been well run, the jobs been amazing, doesnt mean we should stop because we've won a few trophies though. Or we shouldn't demand more, like i said earlier, fans wanting us to carry on isnt a bad thing.

posted on 3/8/20

comment by Inbefore (U20589)
posted 6 minutes ago
Klopps 1st year - matip mane wijnaldum karius klavan
2nd year - Salah Ox VVD Robertson Solanke
3rd year - Alisson Shaq Fabinho Keita

Thats what lead to CL n PL success. But if you want to believe otherwise, go ahead.

And another 4/5 since then?

Most of those players were bought for potential, same as those that you have missed. Van Deb Berg, Elliot and Mina for instance.

Its always been moneyball and always will, also the frame of the argument is being changed re: last year. No one was saying if we don't buy this season AND next season then we will be overtaken, there were weekly meltdowns as other clubs signed "top" players who have actually done a huge amount

And of course we blew them all away. I trust klopp and given their Track record its bizarre anyone wouldnt trust FSG.

posted on 3/8/20

And yes im excited everytime i get to see Elliott Williams Jones etc and i hope to see more of Minamino and how he was looking for RB Salzburg. Ultimately go back to this too, if Klopps happy, happy enough to sign a new contract after i was sure he'd do 7 years n move on like previous clubs. Then im more than happy.

posted on 3/8/20

We’ve a few players who have been out on loan and done very well.

For example Nat Phillips, did very well in Germany last season and looked good when he came back for a couple weeks to help us too. If we’re looking for a player to challenge Gomez and partner VVD then we need to sign someone, however if we’re looking for a player to replace Lovren as 4th choice centre half then Phillips fits the bill for me and would save money to spend elsewhere.

Grujic has done well for 2 seasons now, could he be an option to improving our midfield? Maybe. At the very least his good 2 seasons means we can make a decent chunk of cash off him to fund a purchase.

Wilson did okay last season at Bournemouth, again i think maybe Minamino replaces him and he will raise some cash through a sale. But still an option that Klopp might look to.

Brewster has been a star at Swansea, maybe he can get some minutes instead of Bobby to rest him more?

Most importantly for me would be getting a little cover in for the fullback areas, i think Trent and Robbo in particular play too many minutes due to there being a lack of options over them.

posted on 3/8/20

As i said its just my opinion, not that i dont trust Klopp or FSG i just have a different opinion on this bit. After clear success in the transfer market improving the team year on year which lead to big success. Suddenly stopping that?

Im well aware of everything else, inc the job theyve done, the position we're in is still a great one, maybe the best in the country? Just dont agree with stopping still and i do worry how it'll effect us down the line.

They will need replacing sooner or later and it wont be done in one window when its suddenly needed, so why not continue preparing for the future now with say pulisic/fernandes last season, werner this for example? Thats how i'd go about it and i dont think its unrealistic money wise either. Though i may be wrong.

Anyway ultimately, im aware its my opinion, im not always right or expect to be etc. But it does bore me when people are shot down for having a different opinion or one that might be negative or different to theres.

posted on 3/8/20


posted on 3/8/20

I'd think Wilson could do shaqs job, should free up 10 million+ I'd say he's possibly a better long range shooter, will be on lesser wages etc.

Grujic has been pretty highly rated in Germany, if we are playing minimum two games a week to get the season done asap he might fill in well.

Both would be like new "squad signings"

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